VHDL - 我的FSM在某种状态下不会前进

时间:2018-02-09 20:44:59

标签: rsa vhdl fpga fsm

我试图在FPGA Digilent Basys上实现数字签名(RSA)电路。 我结束了写下所有组件和顶级实体。控制单元由控制整个电路的Finit状态机构成。 但是当我把它加载到我的Basys上时,似乎冻结了状态" V_wait_sign"。 我可以这么说,因为你可以在FSM中看到状态" V_wait_sign"我把Leds放到" 00100",所以只有Led2开启了。


library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;  
entity FirmaDigitale is
    Port ( Clock : in  STD_LOGIC;
           Buttons : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
           Switches : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
           Leds : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
           Cathodes : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
           Anodes : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0));
end FirmaDigitale;

architecture Structural of FirmaDigitale is

    component Comparator32
    Generic(width : Positive := 32);
    Port ( a : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (width-1 downto 0);
           b : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (width-1 downto 0);
          Clock  : in  STD_LOGIC;
          Comp_en : in  STD_LOGIC;  -- 1 attivo
           equal : out  STD_LOGIC;
          Notequal : out  STD_LOGIC);
    end component;

    component Decoder_2_4
    Port ( i : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0);
           o : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0));
    end component;

    component Decoder_Seven_segm
    Port ( Ing : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
           Cathodes : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (6 downto 0));
    end component;

    component FSM_RSA
    Port ( 
        Clock : in  STD_LOGIC;          -- Clock

        Start_sign : in  STD_LOGIC; --start sign
        Load : in  STD_LOGIC;          --load 8 bits
        Verify : in  STD_LOGIC;         --start verify signature
        Done : in  STD_LOGIC;           --end message
        Exp_Done : in  STD_LOGIC;       --end exp operation
        Count_hit :in STD_LOGIC;        --signature load
        Count_eq :in STD_LOGIC;         --
        Count_neq :in STD_LOGIC;        --

        Enable_Hash : out STD_LOGIC;        -- Enable hash '0' attivo         (2colpi)
        Enable_Exp : out STD_LOGIC;     -- Enable exp '1' attivo
        Enable_RegExp : out STD_LOGIC;  -- Enable RegExp '0' attivo
        Enable_sign_reg : out STD_LOGIC; -- Enable sign_reg '0' attivo
        Enable_comp : out STD_LOGIC;        -- Enable Comparator '1' attivo
        Enable_Disp : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);         -- Enable 7segm '0' attivo  

        Leds_step : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(4 downto 0);
        Mux_sel : out STD_LOGIC;            -- 1 per verifica, 0 per firma
        Mux_disp : out STD_LOGIC;           -- 1 MSB, 0 LSB
        Reset_State : out STD_LOGIC     -- Reset '0' attivo
    end component;

    component HashFunction
    Generic( width : integer := 32; width_reg : integer := 8);
    Port ( CharacterByte : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(width_reg-1 downto 0);
          Clock : in  STD_LOGIC;
           Reset : in  STD_LOGIC; --0 attivo
          Reg_en : in STD_LOGIC; --0 attivo
           Digest : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(width-1 downto 0)           
    end component;

    component Mux_2n_1n
    Generic(width : integer := 8);
    Port ( a : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(width-1 downto 0);
           b : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(width-1 downto 0);
           s : in  STD_LOGIC;
           o : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(width-1 downto 0));
    end component;

    component RAsync_2UpNCount_UpCounter
    Generic (width : integer := 2);
    Port ( clock : in  STD_LOGIC;      -- Clock
         reset : in  STD_LOGIC;    -- Segnale di reset 0 attivo
         en : in  STD_LOGIC;       -- Segnale di enable 1 attivo
         count : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (width-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'));  -- conteggio attuale
    end component;

    component SignReg
    Generic( width : integer := 32; width_reg : integer := 8 );
    Port ( SignatureByte : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (width_reg-1 downto 0);
           Reset : in  STD_LOGIC;
          Count_En : in  STD_LOGIC;
           Clock : in  STD_LOGIC;
          hit : out STD_LOGIC;
       Signature : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (width-1 downto 0));
    end component;

    component exponentiator
    Generic (n : integer := 32);
    Port (
        x, y, m: in std_logic_vector(n-1 downto 0);
        z: inout std_logic_vector(n-1 downto 0);
        clk, reset, start: in std_logic;
        done: out std_logic 
    end component;

    component display_7_segments
            clock_frequency_in : integer := 50000000;
            clock_frequency_out : integer := 50000000
   Port (  clock : in  STD_LOGIC;
           reset_n : in  STD_LOGIC;
           digits : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);
           enable : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
           dots : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
           anodes : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
           cathodes : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0));
    end component;

    component Debouncer_xilinx is 
    Port ( CLK : in  STD_LOGIC; 
           Sig : in  STD_LOGIC; 
           Deb_Sig : out  STD_LOGIC); 
    end component;

    signal temp_exp_done, temp_enable_exp, sel_muxTo_display,   temp_count_hit, temp_sel_EncDec, temp_comp_en, temp_eq, temp_not_eq,   temp_en_RegExp : STD_LOGIC := '0';
    signal temp_reset_state, temp_enable_hash, temp_en_SignReg : STD_LOGIC := '1';
    signal temp_digest, temp_exp_out, temp_key, temp_sign, Exp_mux_out, RegExp_out : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0) := (others => '0');
    signal temp_enable_disp : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0) := (others => '0');
    signal temp_digits, temp_digits_to_display, temp_fin_digits : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
    signal Start_temp, Load_temp, Verify_temp, Done_temp : STD_LOGIC;


    deb_0: Debouncer_xilinx 
        port map(
            CLK => Clock, 
            Sig =>  Buttons(0), 
            Deb_Sig => Start_temp 

    deb_1: Debouncer_xilinx 
        port map(
            CLK => Clock, 
            Sig =>  Buttons(1), 
            Deb_Sig => Load_temp

    deb_2: Debouncer_xilinx 
        port map(
            CLK => Clock, 
            Sig =>  Buttons(2), 
            Deb_Sig => Verify_temp

    deb_3: Debouncer_xilinx 
        port map(
            CLK => Clock, 
            Sig =>  Buttons(3), 
            Deb_Sig => Done_temp

    Port map ( 
        Clock => Clock,
        Start_sign => Start_temp,
        Load => Load_temp,         --load 8 bits
        Verify => Verify_temp,
        Done => Done_temp,
        Exp_Done => temp_exp_done,
        Count_hit => temp_count_hit,
        Count_eq => temp_eq,
        Count_neq => temp_not_eq,

        Enable_Hash => temp_enable_hash,
        Enable_Exp => temp_enable_exp,
        Enable_RegExp => temp_en_RegExp,
        Enable_sign_reg => temp_en_SignReg,
        Enable_comp => temp_comp_en,
        Enable_Disp => temp_enable_disp,

        Leds_step => Leds(4 downto 0),
        Mux_sel => temp_sel_EncDec,
        Mux_disp => sel_muxTo_display,
        Reset_State => temp_reset_state

    RegExp : entity work.Generic_RAsync_Register 
        generic map (width => 32)
        port map ( 
            D=> temp_exp_out,
            clock => Clock,
            reset => temp_reset_state,
            en => temp_en_RegExp,
            Q => RegExp_out

    EncriptDecript: exponentiator
    Generic map(n => 32)
    Port map(   x => temp_key,
                y => Exp_mux_out,
                m => x"0000008F", --143, p=11, q=13; pq=143
                z => temp_exp_out,
                clk => Clock,
                reset => not temp_reset_state,
                start => temp_enable_exp,
                done => temp_exp_done

    Leds(7) <= temp_exp_done;

    Mux_Enc_Dec: Mux_2n_1n
    Generic map(width => 32)
    Port map(   a => x"00000071", --113, Chiave Privata
                b => x"00000011", --17, Chiave Pubblica
                s => temp_sel_EncDec,
                o => temp_key

    RegistroFirma: SignReg
    Generic map( width => 32, width_reg => 8 )
    Port map(   SignatureByte => Switches,
                Reset => temp_reset_state,
                Count_En => temp_en_SignReg,
                Clock => Clock,
                hit => temp_count_hit,
                Signature => temp_sign

    Exp_mux : Mux_2n_1n generic map (width => 32)
        port map(
            a => temp_digest,
            b => temp_sign,
            s => temp_sel_EncDec,
            o => Exp_mux_out

    HASH: HashFunction
    Generic map( width => 32, width_reg => 8)
    Port map(   CharacterByte => Switches,
                Clock => Clock,
                Reset => temp_reset_state,
                Reg_en => temp_enable_hash,
                Digest => temp_digest

    Display: display_7_segments
    Generic map( clock_frequency_in => 50000000, clock_frequency_out => 1000 )
    Port map(   clock => Clock,
                reset_n => temp_reset_state,
                digits => temp_digits,
                enable => temp_enable_disp,
                dots => "0000",
                anodes => Anodes,
                cathodes => Cathodes

    Mux_MSB_LSB: Mux_2n_1n
    Generic map(width => 16)
    Port map(   a => RegExp_out(15 downto 0),
                b => RegExp_out(31 downto 16),
                s => sel_muxTo_display,
                o => temp_digits

    Compare: Comparator32
    Generic map( width => 32 )
    Port map(   a => RegExp_out,
                b => temp_sign,
                Clock => Clock,
                Comp_en => temp_comp_en,
                equal => temp_eq,
                Notequal => temp_not_eq

    Leds(6) <= temp_eq;
    Leds(5) <= temp_not_eq;

end Structural;


library IEEE;
entity FSM_RSA is
    Port ( 
        Clock : in  STD_LOGIC;          -- Clock

        Start_sign : in  STD_LOGIC; --start sign
        Load : in  STD_LOGIC;          --load 8 bits
        Verify : in  STD_LOGIC;         --start verify signature
        Done : in  STD_LOGIC;           --end message
        Exp_Done : in  STD_LOGIC;       --end exp operation
        Count_hit :in STD_LOGIC;        --signature load
        Count_eq :in STD_LOGIC;         --
        Count_neq :in STD_LOGIC;        --

        Enable_Hash : out STD_LOGIC;        -- Enable hash '0' attivo (2colpi)
        Enable_Exp : out STD_LOGIC;     -- Enable exp '1' attivo
        Enable_RegExp : out STD_LOGIC;  -- Enable RegExp '0' attivo
        Enable_sign_reg : out STD_LOGIC; -- Enable sign_reg '0' attivo
        Enable_comp : out STD_LOGIC;        -- Enable Comparator '1' attivo
        Enable_Disp : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);         -- Enable 7segm '0' attivo  

        Leds_step : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(4 downto 0);

        Mux_sel : out STD_LOGIC;            -- 1 per verifica, 0 per firma
        Mux_disp : out STD_LOGIC;           -- 1 MSB, 0 LSB
        Reset_State : out STD_LOGIC     -- Reset '0' attivo

end FSM_RSA;

architecture Behavioral of FSM_RSA is

-- Definizione dell'insieme degli stati
type State is (Idle, V_wait8, S_wait8, V_Hash,V_waitReg, V_waitH, S_waitH, S_Hash, V_wait_sign, V_decrypt, V_comp, V_reg, S_encrypt, S_dispMSB, S_dispLSB);

-- Definizione dei segnali di "stato" e inizializzazione allo stato iniziale idle
signal Current_State, Next_State : State := Idle;


-- Process per la gestione dell'evoluzione dello stato
state_management : process(Clock)


if falling_edge(Clock) then
    Current_State <= Next_State;
    Current_State <= Current_State;
end if;

end process;

-- Process per la gestione della FSM
FSM : process(Current_State, Start_sign, Load, Verify, Done, Exp_Done, Count_eq, Count_neq, Count_hit)

case Current_State is

  --macchina in attesa di comandi. Tutti i registri disabilitati
    when Idle => 
            Enable_Hash <= '1'; 
            Enable_Exp <= '0';
            Enable_RegExp <= '1';
            Enable_sign_reg <= '1';
            Enable_comp <= '0';
            Enable_Disp <= "0000";
            Reset_State  <= '0';
            Mux_sel <= '0';
            Mux_disp <= '0';
            Leds_step <= "00000";

        if (Verify = '1') then
                Next_State <= V_wait8;
                if ( Start_sign ='1') then
                    Next_state <= S_wait8;
                        Next_state <= Idle;
                end if;
        end if;

        when S_encrypt => 
            Enable_Hash <= '1';
            Enable_Exp <= '1';  -- abilito
            Enable_RegExp <= '0';  -- abilito
            Enable_sign_reg <= '1';
            Enable_comp <= '0';
            Enable_Disp <= "0000";
            Reset_State  <= '1'; 
            Mux_sel <= '0'; --decript M_h**d modn
            Mux_disp <= '0';
            Leds_step <= "00010";

            if (Exp_Done = '1') then
                    Next_State <= S_dispMSB;
                    Next_state <= S_encrypt;
            end if;

        when S_dispLSB => 
            Enable_Hash <= '1';
            Enable_Exp <= '0';  
            Enable_RegExp <= '1';  
            Enable_sign_reg <= '1';
            Enable_comp <= '0';
            Enable_Disp <= "1111"; -- abilito
            Reset_State  <= '1'; 
            Mux_sel <= '0'; 
            Mux_disp <= '0'; --LSB

            if (Done = '1') then
                    Next_State <= Idle;
                    Next_state <=S_dispLSB;
            end if;

        when S_dispMSB => 
            Enable_Hash <= '1';
            Enable_Exp <= '0';  
            Enable_RegExp <= '1';  
            Enable_sign_reg <= '1';
            Enable_comp <= '0';
            Enable_Disp <= "1111"; -- abilito
            Reset_State  <= '1'; 
            Mux_sel <= '0'; 
            Mux_disp <= '1'; --MSB

            if (Load = '1') then
                    Next_State <= S_dispLSB;
                    Next_state <=S_dispMSB;
            end if;

        when S_waitH => 
           Enable_Hash <= '1'; --disabilito tutto
            Enable_Exp <= '0';
            Enable_RegExp <= '1';
            Enable_sign_reg <= '1';
            Enable_comp <= '0';
            Enable_Disp <= "0000";
            Reset_State  <= '1';
            Mux_sel <= '0';

            if( Load = '0') then
                Next_State <= S_wait8;
                Next_State <= S_waitH;
            end if;

        when S_Hash => 
           Enable_Hash <= '0'; -- abilito
            Enable_Exp <= '0';
            Enable_RegExp <= '1';
            Enable_sign_reg <= '1';
            Enable_comp <= '0';
            Enable_Disp <= "0000";
            Reset_State  <= '1';
            Mux_sel <= '0';
            Mux_disp <= '0';

          Next_State <= S_waitH;

        when S_wait8 =>         
            Enable_Hash <= '1'; --disabilito tutto
            Enable_Exp <= '0';
            Enable_RegExp <= '1';
            Enable_sign_reg <= '1';
            Enable_comp <= '0';
            Enable_Disp <= "0000";
            Reset_State  <= '1';
            Mux_sel <= '0';
            Mux_disp <= '0';
            Leds_step <= "00001";

            if (Done = '1') then
                Next_State <= S_encrypt;
                if ( Load = '1') then
                    Next_state <= S_Hash;
                        Next_state <= S_wait8;
                end if;
            end if;

        when V_comp => 
            Enable_Hash <= '1';
            Enable_Exp <= '0';  
            Enable_RegExp <= '0';
            Enable_sign_reg <= '1';
            Enable_comp <= '1';  -- abilito
            Enable_Disp <= "0000";
            Reset_State  <= '1'; 
            Mux_sel <= '1'; --decript M_h**e modn
            Mux_disp <= '0';
            Leds_step <= "10000";

            if (Count_eq = '1' OR Count_neq ='1') then
                if (Done = '1') then
                    Next_State <= Idle;
                end if;
            end if;

        when V_decrypt => 
            Enable_Hash <= '1';
            Enable_Exp <= '1';  -- abilito
            Enable_RegExp <= '0';  -- abilito
            Enable_sign_reg <= '1';
            Enable_comp <= '0';
            Enable_Disp <= "0000";
            Reset_State  <= '1'; 
            Mux_sel <= '1'; --decript M_h**e modn
            Mux_disp <= '0';
            Leds_step <= "01000";

            if (Exp_Done = '1') then
                    Next_State <= V_comp;
                    Next_state <= V_decrypt;
            end if;

    when V_Reg => 
           Enable_Hash <= '1'; 
            Enable_Exp <= '0';
            Enable_RegExp <= '1';
            Enable_sign_reg <= '0'; -- abilito
            Enable_comp <= '0';
            Enable_Disp <= "1111";
            Reset_State  <= '1';
            Mux_sel <= '0';
            Mux_disp <= '0';

            if( Count_hit = '1') then
                Next_State <= V_decrypt;
                Next_State <= V_waitReg;
            end if;

    when V_waitReg => 
           Enable_Hash <= '1'; --disabilito tutto
            Enable_Exp <= '0';
            Enable_RegExp <= '1';
            Enable_sign_reg <= '1';
            Enable_comp <= '0';
            Enable_Disp <= "0000";
            Reset_State  <= '1';
            Mux_sel <= '0';
            Mux_disp <= '0';

            if( Load = '0') then
                Next_State <= V_wait_sign;
                Next_State <= V_waitReg;
            end if;

    when V_wait8 =>         
            Enable_Hash <= '1'; --disabilito tutto
            Enable_Exp <= '0';
            Enable_RegExp <= '1';
            Enable_sign_reg <= '1';
            Enable_comp <= '0';
            Enable_Disp <= "0000";
            Reset_State  <= '1';
            Mux_sel <= '0';
            Mux_disp <= '0';

            if (Done = '1') then
                    Next_State <= V_wait_sign;
                    if ( Load = '1') then
                        Next_state <= V_Hash;
                            Next_state <= V_wait8;
                    end if;
            end if;

    when V_Hash => 
           Enable_Hash <= '0'; -- abilito
            Enable_Exp <= '0';
            Enable_RegExp <= '1';
            Enable_sign_reg <= '1';
            Enable_comp <= '0';
            Enable_Disp <= "0000";
            Reset_State  <= '1';
            Mux_sel <= '0';
            Mux_disp <= '0';

          Next_State <= V_waitH;

    when V_waitH => 
           Enable_Hash <= '1'; --disabilito tutto
            Enable_Exp <= '0';
            Enable_RegExp <= '1';
            Enable_sign_reg <= '1';
            Enable_comp <= '0';
            Enable_Disp <= "0000";
            Reset_State  <= '1';
            Mux_sel <= '0';

            if( Load = '0') then
                Next_State <= V_wait8;
                Next_State <= V_waitH;
            end if;

    when V_wait_sign => 
            Enable_Hash <= '1';  --disabilito tutto
            Enable_Exp <= '0';
            Enable_RegExp <= '1';
            Enable_sign_reg <= '1';
            Enable_comp <= '0';
            Enable_Disp <= "0000";
            Reset_State  <= '1';
            Mux_sel <= '0';
            Leds_step <= "00100";

        if (Load = '1') then -- AND Count_hit = '0') then
            Next_State <= V_reg;    
--      else
--          if (Count_hit = '1') then
--              Next_state <= V_decrypt;
                Next_state <= V_wait_sign;
            --end if;
        end if; 

    end case;       
end process;
end Behavioral;

我无法理解可能出错的地方。当我尝试测试平台时,它似乎工作。 但是在FPGA上的tjan它在该状态下冻结了。好像他没有收到信号&#34; Count Hit&#34;来自&#34; SignReg&#34;。但我不确定那个

0 个答案:
