使用Apollo Client向REST端点发送请求(React)

时间:2018-02-07 22:07:21

标签: reactjs graphql apollo apollo-client

我有一个React应用程序,我需要使用Apollo Client向现有REST API服务器发出请求。

一种可能的方法是创建包装现有REST API的GraphQL服务器,但我更愿意在客户端执行此操作并直接调用它。我认为这是过渡时期的临时解决方案。



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

这应该可以通过Apollo links来实现。但要注意,因为这是阿波罗的一个积极发展的领域,所以会有粗糙的边缘。


另见the official links获取灵感&参考,如果您最终想要编写自己的链接以满足您的需求。

答案 1 :(得分:1)




这是apollo-bridge-link的创建者在apollo-bridge-link上写的good articledemo app

您必须创建graphql模式和解析器才能使apollo-link-rest工作。就像您在graphql服务器上执行此操作一样。然后,如果您决定构建graphql服务器,则在服务器上重用此架构和解析器将非常容易。关于import torch import numpy, math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt nofSequences = 5 maxLength = 130 # Generate training data x_np = numpy.zeros((nofSequences,maxLength,1)) y_np = numpy.zeros((nofSequences,maxLength)) numpy.random.seed(1) for i in range(0,nofSequences): startPos = numpy.random.random()*50 for j in range(0,maxLength): if j>=startPos and j<startPos+10: x_np[i,j,0] = math.sin((j-startPos)*math.pi/10) else: x_np[i,j,0] = 0.0 if j<startPos+10: y_np[i,j] = 1 else: y_np[i,j] = 0 # Define the neural network INPUT_SIZE = 1 class RNN(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(RNN, self).__init__() self.rnn = torch.nn.LSTM( input_size=INPUT_SIZE, hidden_size=16, # rnn hidden unit num_layers=1, # number of rnn layer batch_first=True, ) self.out = torch.nn.Linear(16, 2) def forward(self, x, h_state): r_out, h_state = self.rnn(x, h_state) outs = [] # save all predictions for time_step in range(r_out.size(1)): # calculate output for each time step outs.append(self.out(r_out[:, time_step, :])) return torch.stack(outs, dim=1), h_state # Learn the network rnn = RNN() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(rnn.parameters(), lr=0.01) h_state = None # for initial hidden state x = torch.Tensor(x_np) # shape (batch, time_step, input_size) y = torch.Tensor(y_np).long() torch.manual_seed(2) numpy.random.seed(2) for step in range(100): prediction, h_state = rnn(x, h_state) # rnn output # !! next step is important !! h_state = None loss = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()(prediction.reshape((-1,2)),torch.autograd.Variable(y.reshape((-1,)))) # calculate loss optimizer.zero_grad() # clear gradients for this training step loss.backward() # backpropagation, compute gradients optimizer.step() # apply gradients errTrain = (prediction.max(2)[1].data != y).float().mean() print("Error Training:",errTrain.item()) ############################################################################### steps = range(0,maxLength) plotChoice = 3 plt.figure(1, figsize=(12, 5)) plt.ion() # continuously plot plt.plot(steps, y_np[plotChoice,:].flatten(), 'r-') plt.plot(steps, numpy.argmax(prediction.detach().numpy()[plotChoice,:,:],axis=1), 'g-') plt.plot(steps, x_np[plotChoice,:,0].flatten(), 'b-') plt.ioff() plt.show() ,我不能说什么。

他们的方法是避免使用架构使事情变得简单。但是,另一方面,您将不得不编写type patchers。看看测试套件中的example,了解它在现实世界中的应用会变得多么复杂。