
时间:2018-02-06 11:30:57

标签: arrays intersystems-cache mumps

我希望有人可以帮助我试图找到一种方法来找到像PHP in_array这样存在的数组中的值。


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您在寻找if $data(ADDRESS("street 1")) write "found"吗?

答案 1 :(得分:0)

您是否在键或节点值中寻找PTOWN?如果可以在中找到PTOWN,则可以使用$ ORDER查找与您拥有的内容最匹配的内容。假设你有一个这样的数组:

new PTOWN,Address,Array
set PTOWN="Paris"
set Address="Some address"
set Array("Paris")="123 Avenue Louis Pasteur"
set Array("Madrid")="434 Calle De Duermos"
set Array("Boston")="1522 Market Street"



new nodeName
set nodeName="" ; you have to pass $ORDER "" to get the first thing in the array
for  set nodeName=$ORDER(Array(nodeName)) quit:nodeName=""  d 
    ; $ORDER returns "" when you pass it the *last* key in the array, so we can quit this loop when we get that back
    if nodeName=PTOWN write Array(nodeName)


答案 2 :(得分:0)

假设PTOWN为“ $ needle”,地址为“ $ haystack”(根据in_array文档),并且不知道数组格式,那么您可以做的最好的事情如下:

    NEW idx,found,subAry
    SET found=0 ; If you want to return 0 instead of "" if not found
    FOR $ORDER(haystack(idx)) QUIT:idx="" DO  QUIT:found
    . ; If the format of the array is: array(<index>)=<value>
    . IF haystack(idx)=needle SET found=1 QUIT
    . ;
    . ; If the format of the array is: array(<key>)=<value>
    . ; Note: this type of search can be made a bit more efficient, but we're brute-forcing here
    . IF idx=haystack SET found=1 QUIT
    . ;
    . ; If you're using nested keys and values...this is NOT recommended since Cache doesn't really support recursion
    . MERGE subAry=haystack(idx)
    . SET found=$$in_array(needle,subAry)
    QUIT found


...=$$in_array(PTOWN,.ADDRESS) ; Don't forget to pass by reference!