
时间:2018-02-06 10:51:50

标签: ios objective-c swift xcode xcode9

花了三天时间寻找解决问题的方法。我决定请求你的帮助。我们公司有这个Xcode Ios-App。它是由我的同事开发的,但几个月前他就离开了我们。我必须承认我对XCode环境比较陌生。老板要求改变应用程序中的一些小东西,所以我得到了Mac,将Xcode更新为9.2并从git中检索代码。 Pods有一些错误,所以我更新了它们,然后修复了一些问题。目前我遇到了以下错误。


/ Users / ImoEntwicklung / Documents / Customer Programs / arzneimittel / arzneimittel /../../ azure-notificationhubs / iOs / WindowsAzureMessaging / WindowsAzureMessaging / SBNotificationHub.h:6:9:错误:'SBTokenProvider.h'文件没有找到#import“SBTokenProvider.h”



错误:无法发出预编译标头'/Users/ImoEntwicklung/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Arzneimittel-fjgbyklcwfwvyhbd​​lidichafvuho/Build/Intermediates.noindex/PrecompiledHeaders/BridgingHeader-swift_1FFBBGOR0UHNO-clang_15BN3EC1NL1KU.pch'用于桥接标题'/ Users / ImoEntwicklung / Documents / Customer Programs / arzneimittel / arzneimittel / BridgingHeader.h'


enter image description here

完整错误消息如下所示: enter image description here

最后是报告错误的文件: enter image description here


xcode error: failed to emit precompiled header - not solved

Header file not found in Bridging Header - solved, but the solution didn't worked for me

'failed to emit precompiled header' while adding new pod into existing Project - not solved

Failed to emit precompiled header for bridging header - not sure if this is the same issue, since author posted only follow-up error

Xcode 9 - failed to emit precompiled header - not sure if this is the same issue, since author posted only follow-up error


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有类似的问题 最终得到以下解决方案:

  1. 选择方案,从出现的菜单中选择Manage Schemes...
  2. 从方案的弹出列表中找到[Your Project Name]方案,将其选中并按列表左下角的-按钮删除
  3. 按下右上角的Autocreate Schemes Now按钮