How to debug Siri extension in 'Type to Siri' mode?

时间:2018-02-05 12:52:24

标签: ios xcode ios11 sirikit

There is an option in iOS 11 global preferences: General/Accessibility/Type to Siri. If it is enabled, when you open Siri it shows you a text field into which you can type your request instead of saying it.

This option works fine when I run Siri with the device's home button. But when Siri is started through the Xcode's bebug session of my extension, the textfield is not shown and I need to speak to it.

Is there a way to force siri to be opened it the Type mode when started from the Xcode debugger?

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要使这个技巧发挥作用,您仍然需要在iOS偏好设置中启用常规/辅助功能/类型到Siri 选项。

或者,如果要使用特定的固定查询调试Siri扩展,可以将其设置为调试模式参数。单击您的意向扩展架构,单击编辑架构,运行调试>信息标签> Siri意图查询 enter image description here