使用Ardrino Sketch动态发布到多个MQTT主题

时间:2018-02-02 23:12:49

标签: arduino ide mqtt

我已经让所有代码都在阅读温度和湿度值,但是我在尝试正确编译和发布时遇到了很大困难。我有两个数组声明存储读数。 - 工作。我已成功连接到我的MQTT代理 - 工作。我可以打印到控制台 - 工作。对于我的生活,我似乎无法使用#include和#include来发布数据。这是发布循环,我将数据打印到控制台,并希望使用它来发布到我的8个不同的MQTT主题。

// MQTT Setup MQTT: ID, server IP, port, username and password
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>

String sPayload;
char* cPayload;
String sTopic;
char* cTopic;
float pubtemp;

//This is the array for the topics
String station[8] ={

//These are the arrays for the variable readings
//Initialize the Temperature and Humidity Values
int Ch[8][2] = {{2120,00},{2120,00},{2120,00},{2120,00},{2120,00},{2120,00},
//This is the array for the low battery flag on the sensors
int Batt[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; // added 2/2/18 for battery status


if (now - lastSampleTime >= fiveMinutes)
lastSampleTime += fiveMinutes;
 // Serial.print (lastSampleTime);
 // Serial.println("***");
if (!client.connected()) {
for (int m=0; m <=7; m++){
  Serial.print ("Channel ");
  Serial.print (m);
  for (int n=0; n<=1; n++){
    if (n == 0) {
      Serial.print ("Temp ");
    //          Serial.print (Ch[m][n]);
      Serial.print ("\t");
      float mytemp= (Ch[m][n]);
      Serial.print (pubtemp,1);
    else if (n == 1){
      Serial.print ("RH ");
      Serial.print (Ch[m][n]);

   Serial.print (Batt[m]);
   Serial.print ("\t");
   Serial.print (station[m]);   
   Serial.println (" ");
 //Insert code here to publish the MQTT data before the next brace
 //This will publish a topic and associated data for each sensor
   StaticJsonBuffer<200> jsonBuffer;
   JsonObject& payload = jsonBuffer.createObject();
   payload["temperature"] = pubtemp;
   payload["humidity"] = Ch[m][1];
   payload["batt"] = Batt[m];  

   /This formats the json for the data and is working
   sPayload = "";
   cPayload = &sPayload[0u];
   Serial.println (cPayload);    

   This is where I'm having difficulties with the variable topics

 client.publish(station[m],cPayload);  This does not work.

 //Publish a message when the full scan completes and this works
 client.publish("outTopic","Scan Complete");
 Serial.println ("Scan Complete");  


  1. 频道0温度19.8 RH 35 0 home / Front_Porch
  2. { “温度”:19.8, “湿润”:35, “棉絮”:0}
  3. 第1频道温度67.7 RH 12 0 home / Living_Room
  4. { “温度”:67.7, “湿润”:12, “棉絮”:0}
  5. 第2频道温度62.2 RH 24 0 home / Plant_Room
  6. { “温度”:62.2, “湿润”:24, “棉絮”:0}
  7. 第3频道温度66.9 RH 16 0家庭/办公室
  8. { “温度”:66.9, “湿润”:16, “棉絮”:0}
  9. 第4频道温度45.1 RH 0 0电器/ Basement_Fridge
  10. { “温度”:45.1, “湿润”:0, “棉絮”:0}
  11. 第5频道温度1.6 RH 0 0电器/ Basement_Freezr
  12. { “温度”:1.6, “湿润”:0, “棉絮”:0} PI
  13. 第6频道温度41.1 RH 0 0电器/ Beer_Fridge
  14. { “温度”:41.1, “湿润”:0, “棉絮”:0}
  15. Channel 7 Temp 100.2 RH 0 0 appliances / Pellet_Stove
  16. { “温度”:100.2, “湿润”:0, “棉絮”:0}
  17. 扫描完成
  18. json输出正在工作,主题正在打印,但我似乎无法使用client.publish {“topic”,“payload”)来处理变量主题

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