在Google App Script中创建GUI应用程序

时间:2018-02-01 09:54:26

标签: javascript google-apps-script appscript


function getGmail2GDriveConfig() {
    return {
    // Gmail label for processed threads (will be created, if not existing):
        "processedLabel": "✉ ➔ ▲", 

    // Sleep time in milli seconds between processed messages:
        "sleepTime": 100,

    // Maximum script runtime in seconds (google scripts will be killed after 5 minutes):
        "maxRuntime": 280,
    // Timezone for date/time operations:
        "timezone": "GMT",
    // Processing rules:
        "rules": [
  { // Replace all files with the variable 'filenameTo' string.
      "filter": "from:example@domain.com", // Email to extract attachments from 
      "folder": "Examples2/exampleA/exampleB/exampleC", // Folder to send attachments to in Gdrive
      "filenameTo": "'%s' ~ yyyy MM dd", // format of renaming files if {RenameFile is set to true}
      "Renamefile": true, // Turn renaming of files on and off
      "globalFilter": "has:attachment in:test1-test2 -in:trash -in:drafts -in:spam", // Labels to fetch attachments from in Gmail
      "markUsRead": true,
      "newerThan": "1m", // how far back to fetch attachments
      "archive": true // Turn achiving on and off     

这些属性是我想在表单字段中配置的:filter,folder,Renamefile,globalFilter,markUsRead,newerThan。 现在,我担心的是,如果我在表单字段中添加多个值,不会覆盖存储在属性中的值,我该如何实现?

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