[ifundef] vehicles 2variable vehicles [then]
[ifundef] cars< 2variable cars< [then]
vehicles 2@ s" cars " s+ vehicles 2!
cars< 2@ s" vehicles" s+ cars< 2!
-> vehicles cars
: space+ ( str -- ) s" " s+ ;
\ use like: cars add alfa-romeo (first is a 2variable name, second a parsed name)
: add ( a "name" -- ) dup >r 2@ parse-name space+ s+ r> 2! ;
create _x 256 chars allot align
: _x@ ( -- ) _x count ;
: _x! ( -- ) _x place ;
create _y 256 chars allot align
: _y@ ( -- ) _y count ;
: _y! ( -- ) _y place ;
: init_x ( str -- ) 2dup s" [ifundef] " 2swap s+ s" 2variable " s+ 2swap s+ s" [then]" s+ evaluate ;
: init_y ( str -- ) 2dup s" [ifundef] " 2swap s+ s" < 2variable " s+ 2swap s" <" s+ s+ s" [then]" s+ evaluate ;
: make-dictionary-entries ( -- ) _x@ init_x _y@ init_y ;
: add-strings-to-entries ( -- ) _x@ s" add " s+ _y@ s+ evaluate
_y@ s" < add " s+ _x@ s+ evaluate ;
: -> parse-name _x! parse-name _y!
add-strings-to-entries ;
\ CUSTOM TESTING to improve readability of the examples
: test( POSTPONE assert( ; immediate
: true! 0= throw ;
: false! throw ;
: same-string! str= true! ;
-> vehicles cars
test( vehicles 2@ s" cars " same-string! )
test( cars< 2@ s" vehicles " same-string! )
-> vehicles trucks
-> vehicles dreams
test( vehicles 2@ s" cars trucks dreams " same-string! )
test( trucks< 2@ s" vehicles " same-string! )
-> cars ferrari
-> cars lamborghini
-> dreams lamborghini
test( cars 2@ s" ferrari lamborghini " same-string! )
test( lamborghini< 2@ s" cars dreams " same-string! )
答案 0 :(得分:3)
以下是一条常见规则。 在管道部分中,应该仅使用后缀语法。前缀语法(解析单词)可以仅作为顶级的糖发生。即任何解析词都应该有一个后缀变种。
针对给定问题的一般后缀解决方案是:S" content" S" name" update-var
\ reference implementations of some underlying words for testing purpose only
: s, ( d-txt -- ) here swap dup allot move ;
: s+ ( d-txt1 d-txt2 -- d-txt3 ) here >r 2swap s, s, r> here over - 0 c, ;
: s+! ( d-txt addr -- ) dup >r 2@ 2swap s+ r> 2! ; \ '+!' naming convention
: gs+ ( d-txt1 -- d-txt2 ) s" " s+ ; \ add gap string ('space+' is too long)
\ some Forth-systems have these words as factors:
: created ( d-txt-name -- ) s" create " 2swap s+ evaluate ;
: obey ( i*x d-txt-name wid -- j*x true | i*x d-txt-name false )
>r 2dup r> search-wordlist if nip nip execute true exit then false
\ the solution itself
wordlist constant v \ for special auto-created variables
: make-var ( d-txt-name -- addr )
get-current >r v set-current
created here 0 , 0 ,
r> set-current
: obtain-var ( d-txt-name -- addr )
v obey if exit then make-var
: update-var ( d-txt-content d-txt-name -- )
obtain-var s+!
: -> \ "vehicles" "cars"
parse-name parse-name
2over gs+ 2over s" <" s+ update-var
gs+ 2swap update-var
此处堆栈表示法符号中的 d-
(d-txt - )将给定字符串按原样存储到数据空间中(另请参阅,
);注意:在Gforth中,它以计数字符串格式存储(参见3.1.3.4 Counted strings)。
最好为这些自动创建的变量使用单独的词表,以避免冲突名称上可能出现的问题(例如,如果需要-> here str
)。请参阅revision 8中没有单独的词表的变体。