
时间:2018-01-26 18:59:16

标签: excel-vba vba excel

在Excel VBA中,我尝试在填写其他按钮标题之前检查工作表中所有按钮的标题。





Private Sub btn_PTE_Li_Click()
Me.btn_PTE_Li.BackColor = &H80000010
    If Me.btn_Element_1.Caption = "" Then
        Me.btn_Element_1.Caption = "Li"
        Me.tbx_Number_1.Text = "1"
    ElseIf Me.btn_Element_2.Caption = "" And Me.btn_Element_1.Caption <> "Li" Then
        Me.btn_Element_2.Caption = "Li"
        Me.tbx_Number_2.Text = "1"
    ElseIf Me.btn_Element_3.Caption = "" And Me.btn_Element_1.Caption <> "Li" And Me.btn_Element_2.Caption <> "Li" Then
        Me.btn_Element_3.Caption = "Li"
        Me.tbx_Number_3.Text = "1"
    End If
End Sub

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

希望我正确理解您的问题,并且您正在使用 ActiveX控件,如果您希望它是通用的,我建议如下:

创建一个类模块,将其命名为 MyButtonClass 并粘贴以下代码:

Option Explicit

Dim WithEvents btControl As MSForms.CommandButton

Private controlName As String

Public Sub btControl_Click()

    Dim MySheet As Worksheet
    Set MySheet = Sheets("Sheet1")

    If Left(btControl.Name, 7) = "btn_PTE" Then
        Dim btl As Variant
        btControl.BackColor = &H80000010
        'Check if another button has the same caption
        For Each btl In btCollectionElement
            If TypeName(btl) = "CommandButton" And btl.Caption = btControl.Caption Then Exit Sub
        Next btl

        'Fill caption of the first button with empty caption
        For Each btl In btCollectionElement
            If TypeName(btl) = "CommandButton" And btl.Caption = "" Then
                btl.Caption = btControl.Caption
                Exit For
            End If
        Next btl
    End If
End Sub

Public Sub Attach(newBT As MSForms.CommandButton, newName As String)
    Set btControl = newBT
    controlName = newName
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    controlName = ""
End Sub


Option Explicit

Public groupClickCount As Integer
Public btCollection As Collection
Public btCollectionElement As Collection

Public Sub SetUpControlsOnce()
    Dim MySheet As Worksheet
    Set MySheet = Sheets("Sheet1")

    Dim thisBT As MyButtonClass
    Dim btl As OLEObject
    Dim btControl As MSForms.CommandButton

    If btCollection Is Nothing Then
        Set btCollection = New Collection
    End If

    If btCollectionElement Is Nothing Then
        Set btCollectionElement = New Collection
    End If

    For Each btl In MySheet.OLEObjects
        If TypeName(btl.Object) = "CommandButton" And Left(btl.Name, 11) = "btn_Element" Then
            '--- this is an ActiveX CheckBox
            Set thisBT = New MyButtonClass
            thisBT.Attach btl.Object, btl.Name
            btCollection.Add thisBT
            btCollectionElement.Add btl.Object
        End If
    Next btl

End Sub

Sub Clear_all_Element_Buttons_Captions()

    Dim btl As Variant
    For Each btl In btCollectionElement
        If TypeName(btl) = "CommandButton" Then
            btl.Caption = ""
        End If
    Next btl

End Sub

您还可以将以下内容添加到 ThisWorkbook 模块中,以确保安装宏在打开时运行:

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
    Call SetUpControlsOnce
End Sub




Dim Counter as integer
'Fill caption of the first button with empty caption
    For Each btl In btCollectionElement
        Counter = Counter + 1
        If TypeName(btl) = "CommandButton" And btl.Caption = "" Then
            btl.Caption = btControl.Caption
            MySheet.Item("Textbox " & Counter).TextFrame2.TextRange = "1"
            Exit For
        End If
    Next btl