现在我正在研究vb.net中的一个简单程序。 在daytimepicker中选择2个日期,按一个按钮进行sql查询并将结果保存在某处。 这工作正常,但现在我想为查询添加一个计数器。 一列只有1,2,3的数字,我想计算每一个。 “输出”的小例子 `
x x x 1 -> count 1
x x x 1 -> count 2
x x x 2 -> count 1
x x x 1 -> count 3
x x x 2 -> count 2
x x x 3 -> count 1
` 然后,此计数器应作为新列添加到作为查询结果的数据表中。基本上是账单编号。
Do While myReader.Read()
results = results & myReader.GetString("0") & ";" &
myReader.GetString("1") & ";" &
myReader.GetString("2") & ";" &
myReader.GetDecimal("3") & ";" &
myReader.GetInt32("4") & ";" &
myReader.GetInt32("5") & ";" &
** thats basicly my reader, which puts an ; between everything because im saving it as .csv
If myReader.GetInt32("5") = 1 Then
nmb1 = nmb1 + 1
**put nmb1 in the output"
ElseIf myReader.GetInt32("5") = 2 Then
nmb2 = nmb2 + 1
**put nmb1 in the output"
ElseIf myReader.GetInt32("5") = 3 Then
nmb3 = nmb3 + 1
**put nmb1 in the output"
MsgBox("u failed")
End If '& vbLf
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Dim results String = ""
Dim nmb1 As Integer
Dim nmb2 As Integer
Dim nmb3 As Integer
Do While ...
Select Case myreader.GetInt32("5")
Case 1
nmb1 += 1
results &= $"; {nmb1}"
Case 2
nmb2 += 1
results &= $"; {nmb2}"
Case 3
nmb3 += 1
results &= $"; {nmb3}"
Case Else
MessageBox.Show("u failed")
End Select
'do you wand to put a hard return between records?
results &= vbCrLf