XF 2.5 with FreshMVVM 2.2.3
I am calling a dependency service when pushing a new page to update back button colour as such:
FormsAppCompatActivity activity = (FormsAppCompatActivity)CrossCurrentActivity.Current.Activity;
Toolbar toolbar = activity.FindViewById<Toolbar>(Resource.Id.toolbar);
toolbar?.NavigationIcon?.SetColorFilter(foregroundColour.ToAndroid(), PorterDuff.Mode.SrcIn);
Then I am losing my new colour changes on Android only when I pop the previous page (that is not showing anymore).
(FreshMVVM) of the new page, that doesn't workDevice.StartTimer
then that works!My hunch is that I need to find a later event to set the colour but I am not sure there is one after ViewIsAppearing
Any suggestion on how to make the back button colour change permanently?