Sub DownloadWithProgressbar()
Dim objShell As Object
Dim objWshScriptExec As Object
Dim objStdOut As Object
Dim objFil3
Dim objFSO
Dim objOSF
Dim obj3liF
Dim rline As String
Dim strline As String
Dim strSearch As String
Dim currentdownloadnum As Long
Dim totaldownloadsnum As Long
Dim progresspercent As Double
Dim pctCompl As Single
Dim filepath As String
Dim filename As String
Dim fileextension As String
filepath = "D:\Eigene Dateien\"
filename = "1"
fileextension = ".bat"
strSearch = "ping"
currentdownloadnum = 0
totaldownloadsnum = 0
progresspercent = 0
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFil3 = objFSO.OpenTextFile(filepath & filename & fileextension)
Do While Not objFil3.AtEndofStream
If Left(objFil3.Readline, Len(strSearch)) = strSearch Then
totaldownloadsnum = totaldownloadsnum + 1
End If
MsgBox filepath & filename & fileextension & " will download " & totaldownloadsnum & " files." & vbNewLine & "It has " & totaldownloadsnum & " lines starting with the indicator word " & Chr(34) & strSearch & Chr(34) & "."
Set objOSF = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set obj3liF = objOSF.OpenTextFile(filepath & filename & fileextension)
'Create Shellobject "cmd.exe"
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'Execute file with cmd.exe
Set objWshScriptExec = objShell.Exec(filepath & filename & fileextension)
'Create Outputobject
Set objStdOut = objWshScriptExec.StdOut
'Loop until end of file is reached
Do Until objStdOut.AtEndofStream
'Number of current Download
If Left(obj3liF.Readline, Len(strSearch)) = strSearch Then
currentdownloadnum = currentdownloadnum + 1
currentdownloadnum = currentdownloadnum
End If
'This line needs to stay, otherwise excel will crash. But its not used at all.
rline = objStdOut.Readline
If rline <> "" Then strline = strline & vbCrLf & CStr(Now) & ":" & Chr(9) & rline
'Calculate progress
progresspercent = (currentdownloadnum / totaldownloadsnum) * 100
'give progressbar variable the progress value
pctCompl = progresspercent
'Sending progress to progressbar
progress pctCompl
'Show content of file in vba message
MsgBox strline
MsgBox currentdownloadnum & " current" & vbNewLine & totaldownloadsnum & " total"
'Show download completed message
MsgBox "End of file reached: All downloads finished"
End Sub
'Number of current Download
If Left(obj3liF.Readline, Len(strSearch)) = strSearch Then
currentdownloadnum = currentdownloadnum + 1
currentdownloadnum = currentdownloadnum
End If
它会丢回错误的数字。共有4个(在我的例子中),而文件有7个“ping”线。我认为它可能是因为它是一个不同的对象,但不知道如何以另一种方式将其包含在Do Until循环中。
MsgBox rline输出: 空或“D:\ Eigene Dateien \ Eigene Dokumente&gt; ping -n 6 1&gt; nul” (或者如果其他内容添加到.bat那么这个内容)
MsgBox obj3liF.Readline输出: 空或“ping -n 6 1&gt; nul” (或者如果其他内容添加到.bat那么这个内容)
使用本教程中的进度条:http://www.excel-easy.com/vba/examples/progress-indicator.html 其他尝试也非常受欢迎。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
'Loop until end of file is reached
Do Until objStdOut.AtEndofStream
rline = objStdOut.Readline
'Number of current Download
' Based on comment, search is actually for rLine contains strSearch
'If Left$(rline , Len(strSearch)) = strSearch Then
If Instr(rLine, strSearch) > 0 Then
currentdownloadnum = currentdownloadnum + 1
End If
If rline <> "" Then strline = strline & vbCrLf & CStr(Now) & ":" & Chr(9) & rline
'Calculate progress
progresspercent = (currentdownloadnum / totaldownloadsnum) * 100
'give progressbar variable the progress value
pctCompl = progresspercent
'Sending progress to progressbar
progress pctCompl