我在我的服务器上安装了ROS,但当我调用ros start
login as: root
root@*.*.*.*'s password:
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root@iZwz940pq66re8qvh8adzuZ:~# ros start
info: Loaded feature token capabilities=[Sync], expires=Wed Apr 19 2017 22:15:29 GMT+0800 (CST)
info: Realm Object Server version 2.5.1 is starting
info: [sync] Realm sync server started ([realm-core-4.0.4], [realm- sync-2.1.10])
info: [sync] Directory holding persistent state: /root/data/sync/user_data
info: [sync] Operating mode: master_with_no_slave
info: [sync] Log level: info
info: [sync] Download log compaction is enabled
info: [sync] Max download size: 131072 bytes
info: [sync] Listening on (sync protocol version 22)
info: Realm Object Server has started and is listening on
但是当我在浏览器中输入地址时,它告诉我无法连接。我使用Realm Studio连接它也告诉我无法到达服务器,我忘记了一些步骤吗?也许我服务器的安全策略禁止端口?
答案 0 :(得分:1)
对于日志描述,Realm Object Server已启动并正在侦听http://。
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