
时间:2018-01-09 21:29:41

标签: python matplotlib plot seaborn boxplot

有没有办法使用seaborn' sns.boxplot()迭代绘制数据而不会使箱图重叠? (不将数据集合并为单个pd.DataFrame()



以前,我已经迭代地绘制了这些" binned"通过使用matplotlib ax.boxplot()(通过提供y轴位置值作为position参数来循环单独的数据框,将数据作为同一轴上的箱线图,以确保箱图不会出现。重叠)。



import seaborn as sns
import random
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Get the tips dataset and select a subset as an example
tips = sns.load_dataset("tips")
variable_to_bin_by = 'tip'
binned_variable = 'total_bill'
df = tips[[binned_variable,  variable_to_bin_by] ]

# Create a second dataframe with different values and shape
df2 = pd.concat( [ df.copy() ] *5 )    
# Use psuedo random numbers to convey that df2 is different to df
scale = [ random.uniform(0,2) for i in range(len(df2[binned_variable])) ]  
df2[ binned_variable ] = df2[binned_variable].values * scale * 5
dfs = [ df, df2 ]

# Group the data by a list of bins
bins = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
for n, df in enumerate( dfs ):
    gdf = df.groupby( pd.cut(df[variable_to_bin_by].values, bins ) )
    data = [ i[1][binned_variable].values  for i in gdf]
    dfs[n] = pd.DataFrame( data, index = bins[:-1])

# Create an axis for both DataFrames to be plotted on
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

# Loop the DataFrames and plot
colors = ['red', 'black']    
for n in range(2):
    ax = sns.boxplot( data=dfs[n].T, ax=ax, width=0.2, orient='h', 
                      color=colors[n] )
plt.ylabel( variable_to_bin_by )
plt.xlabel( binned_variable )

Over lapping boxplots




提供kwargs参数(例如kwargs={'positions': dfs[n].T.index})不会起作用,因为这会引发TypeError


TypeError:boxplot()获得了关键字参数的多个值   '位置'

设置sns.boxplot() dodge的{​​{1}}参数无法解决此问题。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

有趣的是," hack"我建议的earlier today in this answer可以在这里应用。


# Get the tips dataset and select a subset as an example
tips = sns.load_dataset("tips")
df = tips[['total_bill',   'tip'] ]

# Group the data by 
bins = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
gdf = df.groupby( pd.cut(df['tip'].values, bins ) )
data = [ i[1]['total_bill'].values  for i in gdf]
df = pd.DataFrame( data , index = bins[:-1]).T
dfm = df.melt() # create a long-form database
dfm.loc[:,'dummy'] = 'dummy'

# Create a second, slightly different, DataFrame
dfm2 = dfm.copy()
dfm2.value = dfm.value*2
dfs = [ dfm, dfm2 ]
colors = ['red', 'black']
hue_orders = [['dummy','other'], ['other','dummy']]

# Create an axis for both DataFrames to be plotted on
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

# Loop the DataFrames and plot
for n in range(2):
    ax = sns.boxplot( data=dfs[n], x='value', y='variable', hue='dummy', hue_order=hue_orders[n], ax=ax, width=0.2, orient='h', 
                      color=colors[n] )

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