Sub Consolidate()
'Author: Jerry Beaucaire'
'Date: 9/15/2009 (2007 compatible) (updated 4/29/2011)
'Summary: Merge files in a specific folder into one master sheet (stacked)
' Moves imported files into another folder
' Edited/altered by me
Dim fName As String, fPath As String, fPathDone As String
Dim LR As Long, NR As Long
Dim wbData As Workbook, wsMaster As Worksheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'speed up macro execution
Application.EnableEvents = False 'turn off other macros for now
Application.DisplayAlerts = False 'turn off system messages for now
Set wsMaster = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BM Condition") 'sheet report is built into
With wsMaster
If MsgBox("Clear the old data first?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
NR = 2
NR = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1 'appends data to existing data
End If
'Path and filename (edit this section to suit)
fPath = "C:\Users\test\Desktop\Test\" 'remember final \ in this string"
fPathDone = fPath & "Imported\" 'remember final \ in this string
On Error Resume Next
MkDir fPathDone 'creates the completed folder if missing
On Error GoTo 0
fName = Dir(fPath & "*.xls*") 'listing of desired files, edit filter as desired
'Import a sheet from found files
Do While Len(fName) > 0
If fName <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then 'don't reopen this file accidentally
Set wbData = Workbooks.Open(fPath & fName) 'Open file
'This is the section to customize, replace with your own action code as needed
LR = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 'Find last row
Range("P14:S" & LR).EntireRow.Copy .Range("A" & NR)
wbData.Close False 'close file
NR = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1 'Next row
Name fPath & fName As fPathDone & fName 'move file to IMPORTED folder
End If
fName = Dir 'ready next filename
End With
ErrorExit: 'Cleanup
Application.DisplayAlerts = True 'turn system alerts back on
Application.EnableEvents = True 'turn other macros back on
Application.ScreenUpdating = True 'refreshes the screen
End Sub
这写入一个新的工作簿,这很好,但我不希望原始文件从其在网络中的位置移动到导入文件夹。我还在试验如何实现这一目标。现在我在所需文件的fName = Dir(fPath&amp;“ .xls ”)列表中出错,编辑过滤器作为所需行。我不确定为什么会这样,而且不太确定如何修复它。