Feature: LoginPage Cases
@smoke @regression
Scenario: Login to the website with North America credentials
And Enter the username and password
|username |password|
|natester@outlook.com|456123 |
And I click the 'SignIn' button
Then I should see 'Successfully Logged in' message
@smoke @regression
Scenario: Login to the website with Europe credentials
And Enter the username and password
|username |password|
|eutester@outlook.com|456123 |
And I click the 'SignIn' button
Then I should see 'Successfully Logged in' message
错误消息是: 在等待Protractor与页面同步时,找不到使用定位器或错误的元素。
Feature: LoginPage Cases
@smoke @regression
Scenario: Login to the website with North America credentials
And Enter the username and password
|username |password|
|natester@outlook.com|456123 |
And I click the 'SignIn' button
Then I should see 'Successfully Logged in' message
Feature: To work with SignUp page
@smoke @regression
Scenario: Load Sign Up Page
And I click the 'Create a new Account' button
Then I should see the heading 'Create Account'