我想知道是否预期Scipy的1.0.0 leastsq和least_square(with lm)优化器会产生不同的结果。以下代码为我演示了这个问题。 (它符合Steinhart-Hart参数。)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
#r = np.array([10030.217595+100, 3065.807003+30, 207.740077+2, 115.510462+1])
r = np.array([10030.217595, 3065.807003, 207.740077, 115.510462])
t = np.array([273.15, 298.17, 373.17, 394.29])
def steinhart(r, a, b, c):
"NTC : steinhart(x, a, b, c)"
return 1.0/( a + b*np.log(r) + c*(np.log(r))**3 )
def residual(p, r, t):
return t - steinhart(r, *p)
p0 = [1e-1, 1e-2, 1e-4]
# This works (uses lm)
popt, xx = optimize.leastsq(residual, p0, args=(r, t))
print("leastsq: "+str(popt))
# Doesn't work, but should be the same as above
# Now it works!!! ???
popt2 = optimize.least_squares(residual, p0, args=(r, t), method='lm')
print("least_squares: "+str(popt2))
# Original parameter to generate the data, for comparison
p_org = [1.4e-3, 2.37e-4, 9.9e-8]
print("Correct answer: "+str(p_org))
运行此时,leastsq使其正确,而least_squares不会收敛。我得到message: 'The maximum number of function evaluations is exceeded.'
我做错了吗?该测试适用于较旧的Scipy 0.17.0或0.19.1。