以Native Excel语言动态显示工作日名称?

时间:2018-01-08 17:42:09

标签: excel vba ms-office




我目前的“解决方案”是利用选择/工作日函数=CHOOSE(WEEKDAY(NOW(),2),"MON","TUE","..."来生成本周的英文版本,但这会让我的欧洲用户产生野蛮的愤怒,他们希望他们的语言工作日名称出现。< / p>


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


您可以使用下面的wday功能,例如法国工作日通过wday("fr")获得“Lu”(= lundi)。该函数使用函数cPattern中的国际模式。

VBA - 主要功能


Function wday(ByVal d As Date, ByVal lang As String) As String
' Purpose: get weekday in "DDD" format
'// e.g. Application.Worksheetfunction.Text(date(),"[$-40e]ddd")
wday = Application.WorksheetFunction.Text(d, cPattern(lang) & "ddd")
End Function


Function mon(ByVal d As Date, ByVal lang As String) As String
'// e.g. Application.Worksheetfunction.Text(date(),"[$-40e]mmm")
mon = Application.Text(d, cPattern(lang) & "mmm")
End Function


Function cPattern(ByVal ctry As String) As String
' Purpose: return country code pattern for functions mon() and wday() 
' Codes: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd318693(VS.85).aspx
ctry = Trim(LCase(Left(ctry & "  ", 3)))
Select Case ctry
  Case "de"
    cPattern = "[$-C07]" ' German
  Case "en"
    cPattern = "[$-809]" ' English UK
  Case "es"
    cPattern = "[$-C0A]" ' Spanish
  Case "fr",  "fre"
    cPattern = "[$-80C]" ' French
  Case "us"
    cPattern = "[$-409]" ' English US
' more ...
End Select
End Function


您可以使用国际国家/地区代码作为ctry函数中cPattern参数的默认值,并将其设置为可选(应该是变体,以便能够使用IsMissing):< / p>

Function cPattern(Optional ByVal ctry As Variant) As String                     ' <<  optional, variant
If IsMissing(ctry) Then ctry = Application.International(xlCountrySetting) & "" ' << ADD if no ctry Definition
If Len(ctry) = 0 Then ctry = Application.International(xlCountrySetting) & ""
ctry = Trim(LCase(Left(ctry & "  ", 3)))
Select Case ctry
Case "43", "de"         ' << add individual Country Codes
   cPattern = "[$-C07]" ' German
' ...
End Select
End Function


Function wday(ByVal d As Date, optional ByVal lang) As String
If IsMissing(lang) then lang = ""   ' << if 2nd arg is missing then empty string
wday = Application.WorksheetFunction.Text(d, cPattern(lang) & "ddd")
End Function




'(1) weekdays
Function wday(ByVal d As Date, Optional ByVal lang) As String
' Purpose: get weekday in "DDD" format
' ----------------------------
' I. If 2nd argument is missing, then use local writing
' ----------------------------
  If IsMissing(lang) Then         ' missing 2nd argument
     wday = Format(d, "ddd")
' ----------------------------
' II. If 2nd argument exists, then search language code prefix to get any defined language
' ----------------------------
  Else                            ' 2nd argument exists
  '// e.g. Application.Worksheetfunction.Text(date(),"[$-40e]ddd")
      wday = Application.WorksheetFunction.Text(d, cPattern(lang) & "ddd")
  End If
End Function