多个Google Invisible reCaptcha返回"无法将消息发布到https://www.google.com"先是

时间:2018-01-07 03:14:07

标签: javascript recaptcha

我有一个网站,允许人们通过一系列投票按钮大致每30分钟记录一些东西的状态(各种状态的每个东西有3个按钮,10-15个东西)。我试图实施Google的Invisible reCaptcha,以防止我收到的垃圾邮件。

我设法实现了Invisible reCaptcha并且它在第一次投票时工作正常但在同一页面上的任何后续投票中我从控制台得到以下错误

[Error] Unable to post message to https://www.google.com. Recipient has origin https://example.com.

    l (recaptcha__en.js:210:171)
    (anonymous function)
    (anonymous function) (recaptcha__en.js:54:445)
    Lf (recaptcha__en.js:58:203)
    Gf (recaptcha__en.js:58:91)
    F (recaptcha__en.js:57:201)
    nf (recaptcha__en.js:51:1190)



function buttonPress(typeVote, value, e, thing) {

  //Create a unique name for the captcha's div 
  var captchaName = value + "captcha";

  //e is a reference to the div holding the things' button
  //so we add the captcha's div after it
  $($(e).parent()).after("<div id='" + captchaName + "'></div>");

  //Render the captcha
  grecaptcha.render(captchaName, {
              sitekey: 'SITE_KEY_HERE', size: 'invisible',
              callback: function(token) {

                            //This will be replaced with a call to the function
                            //that actually logs the votes with an AJAX call.
                            console.log("TOKEN: " + token + "THING: " + thing + "Vote: " + typeVote);

                            //Remove the captcha div so we can recreate if user 
                            //votes again
                            $(value + 'captcha').remove();

  //Test the user

  //By default the captcha badge is appended to the div the captcha
  //is contained in. That is hiding it behind content so move it to 
  //the end of the body tag so it's visible

然后在结束</body>标记之前的页面底部,我导入了Google reCaptcha库。

<script src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js" async defer ></script>

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



function buttonPress(typeVote, value, e, thing) {

  //Create a unique name for the captcha's div 
  var captchaName = value + "captcha";

  //e is a reference to the div holding the things' button
  //so we add the captcha's div after it
  $($(e).parent()).after("<div id='" + captchaName + "'></div>");

  //Render the captcha
  var widgetReference = grecaptcha.render(captchaName, {
              sitekey: 'SITE_KEY_HERE', size: 'invisible',
              callback: function(token) {

                            //This will be replaced with a call to the function
                            //that actually logs the votes with an AJAX call.
                            console.log("TOKEN: " + token + "THING: " + thing + "Vote: " + typeVote);

                            //Remove the captcha div so we can recreate if user 
                            //votes again
                            $(value + 'captcha').remove();

  //Test the user

  //By default the captcha badge is appended to the div the captcha
  //is contained in. That is hiding it behind content so move it to 
  //the end of the body tag so it's visible