JavaScript - 2分钟后动态删除行

时间:2018-01-06 17:30:54

标签: javascript jquery html


我的问题是"" + item.TakeupType + ""值是否为"已完成"或"取消"此行背景应更改为灰色,并且应在网页中删除2分钟后的行。

1)按日期时间顺序,网页上只能显示22行 2)来自DB的已完成/取消的项目应在网页上显示2分钟并放下。


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//Webapi call - To load info status.
function LoadinfoStatus() {
        beforeSend: function (xhr) {
            xhr.setRequestHeader('x-api-key', '9024024A-024-485C024-6BC2024DA');

        type: "GET",
        url: "",

        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",

        dataType: "json",
        success: function (data) {
            // alert(JSON.stringify(data));
            var DIV = '';

            //Function to get DateFormat
            function getFormattedDate(date) {
                // debugger;
                var inputdate = new Date(date);
                var currentdate = new Date();

                var strTime = getFormattedTime(inputdate);
                var rngStrTime = getFormattedTime(add_minutes(inputdate, 5));

                if (inputdate > currentdate) {
                    return inputdate.getDate() + '/' + (inputdate.getMonth() == 0 ? 12 : inputdate.getMonth()) + " " + strTime + " - " + rngStrTime;
                else {
                    return strTime + " - " + rngStrTime;
                    //return day + "/" + month + " - " + strTime;

            var add_minutes = function (dt, minutes) {
                return new Date(dt.getTime() + minutes * 60000);

            function getFormattedTime(inputdate) {
                var day = inputdate.getDate();
                var month = inputdate.getMonth() + 1;
                var hours = inputdate.getHours();
                var minutes = inputdate.getMinutes();
                var ampm = hours >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am';
                hours = hours % 12;
                hours = hours ? hours : 12;
                minutes = minutes < 10 ? '0' + minutes : minutes;

                return hours + ':' + minutes + ampm;

            $.each(data, function (i, item) {

                var rows = "<tr ' " + (item.Count > 100 ? "data-id='" + item.orderId + "'" : "") + (item.TakeupType == "Cancelled" ? "style='background-color: gray; color: white'" : "") + " align= 'center' > " +
                    "" + "" + "" + "" +
                    "" + item.user.firstName + " " + item.user.lastName.charAt(0) + "." + "" +
                    "" + item.TakeupType + "" +
                    "" + (item.Count == undefined ? "$" + " " + 0 : "$" + " " + item.Count) + "" +
                    "" + getFormattedDate(item.TakeupTimeUtc) + "" +
                    "= 100 ? "style='background-color: darkorange; color: white'>***" : ">") + "" +

                var $tbody = $('tblOrders tbody');

            }); //End of foreach Loop

            // console.log(data);
        }, //End of AJAX Success function

        failure: function (data) {
        }, //End of AJAX failure function
        error: function (data) {
        } //End of AJAX error function


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