PHP - 构造新类时访问创建者类的属性

时间:2018-01-06 11:35:23

标签: php class oop


class Car {
    public $brochure;
    public function getBrochure() {
        $this->brochure = new Brochure();

class Jeep extends Car {
    public $terrain = 'dirt';

class SportsCar extends Car {
    public $terrain = 'racing tracks';


class Brochure {
    public $advertisement_text;
    public function __construct() {
        if($terrain) {
            $str = $str ."This car is best driven on $terrain!\r\n";
        $this->advertisement_text = $str;


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


class Brochure {
    public $advertisement_text;
    // Create brochure with the terrain
    public function __construct( $terrain ) {
        $str = "This car is best driven on $terrain!\r\n";
        $this->advertisement_text = $str;

class Car {
    public $brochure;
    public $terrain = '';
    public function getBrochure(  ) {
        // Only set value if not already set
        if ( $this->brochure == null ){
            // Pass the terrain from the current object creating the brochure
            $this->brochure = new Brochure($this->terrain);
        // Return the brochure created
        return $this->brochure;

class Jeep extends Car {
    public $terrain = 'dirt';

class SportsCar extends Car {
    public $terrain = 'racing tracks';

$car = new SportsCar();
$brochure = $car->getBrochure();
echo $brochure->advertisement_text;


This car is best driven on racing tracks!


答案 1 :(得分:0)

When you create object of Brochure class pass argument of SportsCar class object like this:

class Brochure {
    public $advertisement_text;
    public function __construct($SportsCar) {
        if($terrain) {

            $str = $str ."This car is best driven on $SportsCar->$terrain!\r\n";
    $this->advertisement_text = $str;

    $SportsCar=new $SportsCar();
    $Brochure =new $Brochure($SportsCar);