Angular 4 observable在日志中订阅打印值,但不传递给另一个属性

时间:2018-01-05 16:11:01

标签: angular observable

我是角色的新手..鉴于下面是我正在编写的测试代码.. 简介:我的问题是我没有将值返回到对象中,尽管我能够在日志中看到它。 细节:我使用Angular4,下面给出的是我的组件代码,服务和HTML代码,我的意图是,当我点击提交按钮时,订阅者将使用“this.pythTicker”作为REST API服务的parm来调用服务,该服务将“this.pythTicker”的一些值返回到属性retPythService。返回的值将正确打印在日志中,但不会分配给this.retPythService。所以我的问题是,我是否在人群中做错了.retPythService?我有的困惑是,打印到上面的日志工作,但订阅this.companyRet.compname不起作用 我最终的计划是使用属性“retPythService”来填充HTML的第二行(this.companyRet.compname)。

HTML ##### pythsearch.component.html
<form (submit)="onPythSubmit()">
  <div class="form-group">
restApiSearch-Ticker: <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="pythTicker" name="Ticker"> <input type="submit">
<h3> ticker details from a Pyth RESTAPI  {{ this.companyRet.compname }} </h3>
COMPONENT ####### pythsearch.component.ts
import { PythSrchService } from '../../services/PythSrchService.service';
      declarations: [
      imports: [BrowserModule, FormsModule],
      providers: [ PythsearchComponent ],
      bootstrap: [ PythsearchComponent ],

export class PythsearchComponent implements OnInit {
  pythTicker: any;
  companyRet = {
  bond : '',
  compname : '',
  convexity : '',
  price : '',
  retPythService: any[];
  errMsg: string;
  constructor( public PythSrchInst: PythSrchService ) {      }
  ngOnInit() { this.retPythService = '';}

  onPythSubmit() {
    console.log ('hit onsubmit', this.pythTicker);

  // try 1 WORKS !!!!, Im passing pythticker and subscribing to the REST API service 
    retPythService =>  console.log('retpthlog', retPythService) );

    // try 2 does not work, trying to move it to another object this.retPythService
      retPythService =>  {this.retPythService = retPythService ; } );

// the below statements return empty values in LOG
    console.log('thisretpythservice in component :' , this.retPythService);
    console.log('compantret.compname:' , this.companyRet );



export class PythSrchService {
  PythApi= '';
  retPythService: any;
  constructor( public http: Http )  {}
   getTickerDetails(PassTicker)  {
     this.retPythService = `${this.PythApi}\/${PassTicker} `;
     console.log('api call:', this.retPythService);
     // console.log( 'service call:' , this.http.get(this.retPythService).map(res => res.json()));
     return this.http.get(this.retPythService).map(res => res.json());


   api call: 
    thisretpythservice in component : undefined
    compantret.compname:                   -->>> empty
    Object { bond: "", compname: "", convexity: "", price: "" } -->> empty
    Object { bond: "Testla Motor corp 10 year bond", compname: "tesla motor corp", convexity: "0.52", price: "102" } >>> Not empty , why?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

如果其他任何新手遇到同样的琐碎问题,请发布答案 谢谢,到目前为止,我错过了订阅和可观察的概念..现在我很清楚。以下修复工作..

// try 2 works now

  retPythService =>  {
    this.retPythService = retPythService ;
   // This was the problem
    this.companyRet = this.retPythService; 
    console.log('thisretpythservice in component :' , this.retPythService);