
时间:2018-01-04 01:23:12

标签: r dplyr data.table plyr sapply



例如,让我们看第5行。第5行shoptime2013-09-05 09:11:00,则5天窗口为2013-08-31 09:11:002013-09-05 09:11:00。在这段时间内,有brand3,bradn3,brand2,  和brand1(排除第5行的chosenbrand)。基于最常选择的brand1(第三列)的排名是第二,brand2的排名也是第二。因此,第5行中的两列应为2和2.

作为另一个例子,让我们看看下表中的最后一行。该行的shoptime2013-09-09 09:32:00,则5天窗口为2013-09-04 09:32:002013-09-09 09:32:00。在这段时间内,有brand1,bradn2,brand6,brand2和brand2(不包括行chosenbrand)。基于最常选择的brand1(第三列)的排名是第二位,brand2的排名是第一位。因此,行中的两列应为2和1。




   shoptime              chosenbrand  nth_most_freq_brand1 nth_most_freq_brand2 
  2013-09-01 08:35:00       brand3                 NA             NA  
  2013-09-02 08:54:00       brand3                 NA             NA          
  2013-09-03 09:07:00       brand2                 NA             NA          
  2013-09-04 09:08:00       brand1                 NA              2          
  2013-09-05 09:11:00       brand1                 2               2          
  2013-09-06 09:14:00       brand2                 1               2          
  2013-09-07 09:26:00       brand6                 1               1          
  2013-09-08 09:26:00       brand2                 1               2          
  2013-09-09 09:29:00       brand2                 2               1          
  2013-09-09 09:32:00       brand4                 2               1          


dat <- data.frame(shoptime = c("2013-09-01 08:35:00 UTC", "2013-09-02 08:54:00 UTC", "2013-09-03 09:07:00 UTC" ,"2013-09-04 09:08:00 UTC", "2013-09-05 09:11:00 UTC", "2013-09-06 09:14:00 UTC",
                           "2013-09-07 09:26:00 UTC", "2013-09-08 09:26:00 UTC" ,"2013-09-09 09:29:00 UTC", "2013-09-09 09:32:00 UTC"),
              chosenbrand = c("brand3", "brand3", "brand2", "brand1", "brand1", "brand2", "brand6", "brand2"  ,  "brand2"  ,   "brand4"   ),
              nth_most_freq_brand1 = NA,
              nth_most_freq_brand2 = NA,
              stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

OP提出了一个非常类似的问题"How to create a rank variable under certain conditions?"。如果我理解正确,唯一的区别是

  • 延长时间范围为5天而非36小时(请注意OP指的是时间段,而不是日期时间段)
  • 仅考虑brand1brand2(而不是chosenbrands的所有值)。

因此,my answer可以通过一些改编和改进在这里重复使用:


setDT(dat)[, shoptime := as_datetime(shoptime)]
setorder(dat, shoptime) # not required, just for convenience of observers
selected_brands <- c("brand1", "brand2")
result <- dat[
  .(lb = shoptime - hours(5 * 24), ub = shoptime), 
  on = .(shoptime >= lb, shoptime < ub), 
  nomatch = 0L, by = .EACHI, 
  .SD[, .N, by = chosenbrand][, rank := frank(-N, ties.method="dense")]][
    chosenbrand %in% selected_brands, 
    dcast(unique(.SD[, -1]), shoptime ~ paste0("nth_most_freq_", chosenbrand), 
          value.var = "rank")][
      dat, on = "shoptime"]
# change column order to make it look more similar to the expected answer
setcolorder(result, c(1, 4, 2:3)) 
               shoptime chosenbrand nth_most_freq_brand1 nth_most_freq_brand2
 1: 2013-09-01 08:35:00      brand3                   NA                   NA
 2: 2013-09-02 08:54:00      brand3                   NA                   NA
 3: 2013-09-03 09:07:00      brand2                   NA                   NA
 4: 2013-09-04 09:08:00      brand1                   NA                    2
 5: 2013-09-05 09:11:00      brand1                    2                    2
 6: 2013-09-06 09:14:00      brand2                    1                    2
 7: 2013-09-07 09:26:00      brand6                    1                    1
 8: 2013-09-08 09:26:00      brand2                    1                    2
 9: 2013-09-09 09:29:00      brand2                    2                    1
10: 2013-09-09 09:32:00      brand4                    2                    1






dat <- data.frame(shoptime = c("2013-09-01 08:35:00 UTC", "2013-09-02 08:54:00 UTC", "2013-09-03 09:07:00 UTC" ,"2013-09-04 09:08:00 UTC", "2013-09-05 09:11:00 UTC", "2013-09-06 09:14:00 UTC",
                               "2013-09-07 09:26:00 UTC", "2013-09-08 09:26:00 UTC" ,"2013-09-09 09:29:00 UTC", "2013-09-09 09:32:00 UTC"),
                  chosenbrand = c("brand3", "brand3", "brand2", "brand1", "brand1", "brand2", "brand6", "brand2"  ,  "brand2"  ,   "brand4"   ),
                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

dat <- rbindlist(list(dat, dat[c(FALSE, TRUE), ]), idcol = "customer")
    customer                shoptime chosenbrand
 1:        1 2013-09-01 08:35:00 UTC      brand3
 2:        1 2013-09-02 08:54:00 UTC      brand3
 3:        1 2013-09-03 09:07:00 UTC      brand2
 4:        1 2013-09-04 09:08:00 UTC      brand1
 5:        1 2013-09-05 09:11:00 UTC      brand1
 6:        1 2013-09-06 09:14:00 UTC      brand2
 7:        1 2013-09-07 09:26:00 UTC      brand6
 8:        1 2013-09-08 09:26:00 UTC      brand2
 9:        1 2013-09-09 09:29:00 UTC      brand2
10:        1 2013-09-09 09:32:00 UTC      brand4
11:        2 2013-09-02 08:54:00 UTC      brand3
12:        2 2013-09-04 09:08:00 UTC      brand1
13:        2 2013-09-06 09:14:00 UTC      brand2
14:        2 2013-09-08 09:26:00 UTC      brand2
15:        2 2013-09-09 09:32:00 UTC      brand4


setDT(dat)[, shoptime := as_datetime(shoptime)]
setorder(dat, customer, shoptime) # not required, just for convenience of observers
selected_brands <- c("brand1", "brand2")
result <- dat[
  .(customer = customer, lb = shoptime - hours(5 * 24), ub = shoptime), 
  on = .(customer, shoptime >= lb, shoptime < ub), 
  nomatch = 0L, by = .EACHI, 
  .SD[, .N, by = chosenbrand][, rank := frank(-N, ties.method="dense")]][
    chosenbrand %in% selected_brands, 
    dcast(unique(.SD[, -2]), customer + shoptime ~ paste0("nth_most_freq_", chosenbrand), 
          value.var = "rank")][
            dat, on = .(customer, shoptime)]
# change column order to make it look more similar to the expected answer
setcolorder(result, c(1:2, 5, 3:4)) 
    customer            shoptime chosenbrand nth_most_freq_brand1 nth_most_freq_brand2
 1:        1 2013-09-01 08:35:00      brand3                   NA                   NA
 2:        1 2013-09-02 08:54:00      brand3                   NA                   NA
 3:        1 2013-09-03 09:07:00      brand2                   NA                   NA
 4:        1 2013-09-04 09:08:00      brand1                   NA                    2
 5:        1 2013-09-05 09:11:00      brand1                    2                    2
 6:        1 2013-09-06 09:14:00      brand2                    1                    2
 7:        1 2013-09-07 09:26:00      brand6                    1                    1
 8:        1 2013-09-08 09:26:00      brand2                    1                    2
 9:        1 2013-09-09 09:29:00      brand2                    2                    1
10:        1 2013-09-09 09:32:00      brand4                    2                    1
11:        2 2013-09-02 08:54:00      brand3                   NA                   NA
12:        2 2013-09-04 09:08:00      brand1                   NA                   NA
13:        2 2013-09-06 09:14:00      brand2                    1                   NA
14:        2 2013-09-08 09:26:00      brand2                    1                    1
15:        2 2013-09-09 09:32:00      brand4                   NA                    1

答案 1 :(得分:1)





dat <- dat %>% mutate(shoptime = ymd_hms(shoptime))


complete函数可以创建列之间的所有组合,因此我们可以创建shoptime列(shoptime1)的副本并创建所有组合。然后我们可以使用filter(shoptime1 > shoptime - hours(5 * 24), shoptime1 < shoptime)查找日期和时间是否在5天内。

dat2 <- dat %>%
  mutate(shoptime1 = shoptime) %>%
  select(contains("shoptime")) %>%
  complete(shoptime, shoptime1) %>%
  filter(shoptime1 > shoptime - hours(5 * 24), shoptime1 < shoptime)



dat3 <- dat2 %>%
  left_join(dat, by = c("shoptime1" = "shoptime")) %>%
  count(shoptime, chosenbrand) %>%
  group_by(shoptime) %>%
  mutate(rank = dense_rank(desc(n))) %>%
  select(-n) %>%
  spread(chosenbrand, rank) %>%
  select(shoptime, brand1, brand2)


dat4 <- dat %>% left_join(dat3, by = "shoptime")


#               shoptime chosenbrand brand1 brand2
# 1  2013-09-01 08:35:00      brand3     NA     NA
# 2  2013-09-02 08:54:00      brand3     NA     NA
# 3  2013-09-03 09:07:00      brand2     NA     NA
# 4  2013-09-04 09:08:00      brand1     NA      2
# 5  2013-09-05 09:11:00      brand1      2      2
# 6  2013-09-06 09:14:00      brand2      1      2
# 7  2013-09-07 09:26:00      brand6      1      1
# 8  2013-09-08 09:26:00      brand2      1      2
# 9  2013-09-09 09:29:00      brand2      2      1
# 10 2013-09-09 09:32:00      brand4      2      1


由于OP没有提供示例数据集,我将使用示例数据集Uwe created。只有我的答案1稍作修改才能解决这个问题。关键是在某些步骤中将customer列视为分组变量。


dat <- data.frame(shoptime = c("2013-09-01 08:35:00 UTC", "2013-09-02 08:54:00 UTC", "2013-09-03 09:07:00 UTC" ,"2013-09-04 09:08:00 UTC", "2013-09-05 09:11:00 UTC", "2013-09-06 09:14:00 UTC",
                               "2013-09-07 09:26:00 UTC", "2013-09-08 09:26:00 UTC" ,"2013-09-09 09:29:00 UTC", "2013-09-09 09:32:00 UTC"),
                  chosenbrand = c("brand3", "brand3", "brand2", "brand1", "brand1", "brand2", "brand6", "brand2"  ,  "brand2"  ,   "brand4"   ),
                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

dat <- rbindlist(list(dat, dat[c(FALSE, TRUE), ]), idcol = "customer")
dat <- as.tibble(dat)


dat <- dat %>% mutate(shoptime = ymd_hms(shoptime))



dat2 <- dat %>%
  mutate(shoptime1 = shoptime) %>%
  select(contains("shoptime"), customer) %>%
  group_by(customer) %>%
  complete(shoptime, shoptime1) %>%
  filter(shoptime1 > shoptime - hours(5 * 24), shoptime1 < shoptime)



dat3 <- dat2 %>%
  left_join(dat, by = c("customer", "shoptime1" = "shoptime")) %>%
  count(customer, shoptime, chosenbrand) %>%
  group_by(customer, shoptime) %>%
  mutate(rank = dense_rank(-n)) %>%
  select(-n) %>%
  spread(chosenbrand, rank) %>%
  select(customer, shoptime, brand1, brand2)


dat4 <- dat %>% left_join(dat3, by = c("customer", "shoptime"))


dat4 %>% as.data.frame()
#    customer            shoptime chosenbrand brand1 brand2
# 1         1 2013-09-01 08:35:00      brand3     NA     NA
# 2         1 2013-09-02 08:54:00      brand3     NA     NA
# 3         1 2013-09-03 09:07:00      brand2     NA     NA
# 4         1 2013-09-04 09:08:00      brand1     NA      2
# 5         1 2013-09-05 09:11:00      brand1      2      2
# 6         1 2013-09-06 09:14:00      brand2      1      2
# 7         1 2013-09-07 09:26:00      brand6      1      1
# 8         1 2013-09-08 09:26:00      brand2      1      2
# 9         1 2013-09-09 09:29:00      brand2      2      1
# 10        1 2013-09-09 09:32:00      brand4      2      1
# 11        2 2013-09-02 08:54:00      brand3     NA     NA
# 12        2 2013-09-04 09:08:00      brand1     NA     NA
# 13        2 2013-09-06 09:14:00      brand2      1     NA
# 14        2 2013-09-08 09:26:00      brand2      1      1
# 15        2 2013-09-09 09:32:00      brand4     NA      1