我从互联网上搜索了很多,但不幸的是,他们都没有工作。 How to copy sheets from a workbook to another workbook ,Cutting and Pasting Cell Values in Excel using C#,Error: Pastespecial method of range class failed
问题是如果我在同一个工作簿中创建了工作表,那么代码就可以正常工作。 但是,如果我创建了一个新的工作簿,那么粘贴将无效。
//copy function: copy to a new worksheet in the same workbook
var copyFromRange = oldSheet.Range[
(Excel.Range)oldSheet.Cells[1, 1],
oldSheet.Cells[firstPackageStartLine - 1, lastColIgnoreFormulas]];
var copyHeaderRange = newSheet.Range[(Excel.Range)newSheet.Cells[1, 1], newSheet.Cells[firstPackageStartLine - 1, lastColIgnoreFormulas]];
copyHeaderRange.PasteSpecial(Excel.XlPasteType.xlPasteAll, Excel.XlPasteSpecialOperation.xlPasteSpecialOperationNone, false, false);
//Copy to a new workbook, won't work
var excel = new Excel.Application();
var newWorkbook = excel.Workbooks.Add(System.Reflection.Missing.Value);
var newSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)newWorkbook.Worksheets.Add();
newSheet.Name = "sheetName";
//copy function, same as above. But this won't work, PasteSpecial would throw null reference error.
//If I changed the copyHeaderRange to below, then it will throw: PasteSpecial method of Range class failed.
var copyHeaderRange = (Excel.Range)newSheet.Cells[1, 1];
//If the copyRange is defined as below, it will throw null reference error while pastespecial
var copyHeaderRange = newSheet.Range[(Excel.Range)newSheet.Cells[1, 1], newSheet.Cells[firstPackageStartLine - 1, lastColIgnoreFormulas]];
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如果复制范围中有任何合并的单元格 - 即使它们不超出该范围的坐标单元格 - 并且您正在创建Excel应用程序类的新实例,我认为这错误是预期的。
var newWorkbook = oldSheet.Application.Workbooks.Add(System.Reflection.Missing.Value);
var newSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)newWorkbook.Worksheets.Add();
newSheet.Name = "sheetName";