如何存储drop pin目标坐标swift

时间:2017-12-27 12:02:57

标签: ios swift3

我试图存储drop pin目标坐标并通过委托传回它们?我有下面的drop pin功能。

func dropPinFor(placemark: MKPlacemark) {
        selectedItemPlacemark = placemark

        for annotation in mapView.annotations {
            if annotation.isKind(of: MKPointAnnotation.self) {
               // mapView.removeAnnotation(annotation) // removing the pins from the map

        let annotation = MKPointAnnotation()
        annotation.coordinate = placemark.coordinate
        let (destLat, destLong) = (placemark.coordinate.latitude, placemark.coordinate.longitude)

        print("This is the pins destinations coord \(destLat, destLong)")

但是当我在通过委托发回数据之前尝试打印时,它打印的是0.0 lat 0.0 long

 @IBAction func addBtnWasPressed(_ sender: Any) {
         if delegate != nil {
        if firstLineAddressTextField.text != "" && cityLineAddressTextField.text != "" && postcodeLineAddressTextField.text != "" {

                //Create Model object DeliveryDestinations
            let addressObj = DeliveryDestinations(NameOrBusiness: nameOrBusinessTextField.text, FirstLineAddress: firstLineAddressTextField.text, SecondLineAddress: countryLineAddressTextField.text, CityLineAddress: cityLineAddressTextField.text, PostCodeLineAddress: postcodeLineAddressTextField.text, DistanceToDestination: distance, Lat: destlat, Long: destlong)

                print("This is the latitude to use with protocol \(destlat)")
                print("This is the latitude to use with protocol \(destlong)")

                //add that object to previous view with delegate
                delegate?.userDidEnterData(addressObj: addressObj)

                //Dismising VC
                //navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您在(destLat, destLong)方法中声明了dropPinFor,因此重新声明了您的元组,您只需要指定dropPinFor



var coordinate : (Double, Double) = (0,0)


func dropPinFor(placemark: MKPlacemark) {
        selectedItemPlacemark = placemark

        for annotation in mapView.annotations {
            if annotation.isKind(of: MKPointAnnotation.self) {
               // mapView.removeAnnotation(annotation) // removing the pins from the map

        let annotation = MKPointAnnotation()
        annotation.coordinate = placemark.coordinate
        self.coordinate = (placemark.coordinate.latitude, placemark.coordinate.longitude)

        print("This is the pins destinations coord \(destLat, destLong)")