MASM汇编 - REAL4浮点指令

时间:2017-12-24 02:07:52

标签: assembly floating-point x86 masm32


  1. 从用户那里获取输入并存储在数组中?例如,使用REAL4号码执行此操作。

    mov array[ebx], sval(input())
  2. 打印浮动值。另一个例子,

    mov eax, array[ebx]
    print str$(eax)
  3. 如果有任何有用的MASM real4指令文档的链接,我将不胜感激,谢谢!

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

REAL4号码只是一堆32位,如DWORD,但以不同的方式解释。如果您不需要特殊的MASM选项并检查REAL4,您也可以使用MASM类型DWORD。 SDWORD或常见汇编程序类型DD。




INCLUDE \masm32\include\

    result  REAL8 0.0
    array   REAL4 -1.0, 1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.567, 0.0
            SDWORD -1               ; End of array -> NaN

main PROC
    xor ebx, ebx

    mov eax, DWORD PTR array[ebx]   ; "DWORD PTR" = "REAL4 PTR"
    cmp eax, -1                     ; NaN = end of array?
    je @F                           ; Yes -> Jump to the next @@

    fld DWORD PTR array[ebx]        ; Load a single into FPU ...
    fstp QWORD PTR result           ; ... and store it as double
    printf("%f\n",result)           ; MASM32 macro that acts like the C function

    add ebx, 4                      ; REAL4 has 4 bytes
    jmp @B                          ; Jump to the previous @@

    exit 0

main ENDP

END main


INCLUDE \masm32\include\
INCLUDE \masm32\macros\macros.asm

    result  REAL8 0.0
    lpstring DWORD 0
    array   REAL4 16 DUP (0.0)
            SDWORD -1                           ; End of array -> NaN

main PROC

    xor ebx, ebx

    mov esi, input("Enter number here ",62," ") ; Input string ... STRING!
    cmp BYTE PTR [esi], 0;                      ; Nothing inputted?
    je @F                                       ; Yes -> jump forward to the next @@

    push ebx                                    ; StrToFloat changes EBX! So it is to save
    INVOKE StrToFloat, esi, ADDR result         ; Convert string to double
    pop ebx                                     ; Restore the saved EBX

    fld REAL8 PTR result                        ; Load a double ...
    fstp REAL4 PTR array[ebx]                   ; ... and save it as single
    mov eax, -1                                 ; NaN = end of array
    mov DWORD PTR array[ebx+4], eax             ; Store the NaN as the next element

    add ebx, 4                                  ; Pointer to the next REAL4 in array
    jmp @B                                      ; Jump back to the previous @@

    xor ebx, ebx

    mov eax, DWORD PTR array[ebx]               ; "DWORD PTR" = "REAL4 PTR"
    cmp eax, -1                                 ; NaN = end of array?
    je @F                                       ; Yes -> Jump to the next @@

    fld DWORD PTR array[ebx]                    ; Load a single into FPU ...
    fstp QWORD PTR result                       ; ... and store it as double
    printf("%f\n",result)                       ; MASM32 macro that acts like the C function

    add ebx, 4                                  ; REAL4 has 4 bytes
    jmp @B                                      ; Jump to the previous @@


    exit 0

main ENDP

END main