
时间:2017-12-20 22:44:47

标签: types ocaml gadt

我试图在OCaml中模拟纸牌游戏(为了简单起见,我们假设它是一个单人纸牌游戏)。该游戏的给定状态由类型game的值表示。然后我将定义一个函数moves : game -> move list,它给出了给定游戏状态的有效移动列表;并且函数apply: game -> move -> game在给定移动后给出状态。 (这里提供的类型实际上可能被多态的类型替换,如下所述。)

在这场比赛中,有两种不同的动作类型。在游戏的某些方面,需要决定是否出价。在游戏的其他方面,人们只需要打牌。将apply g应用于m,其中g需要(非)出价移动,而m是卡片播放动作,这应该是错误的。


type card = int * int
type common = { cards : card list }
type play_phase = Play_phase
type bid_phase = Bid_phase
type _ game = Play_game :  common ->  play_phase game | Bid_game :  common ->  bid_phase game
type _ move =
  | Play : card -> play_phase move
  | Bid : bid_phase move
  | NoBid : bid_phase move

let moves : type a. a game -> a move list = function
  | Bid_game _ -> [Bid; NoBid]
  | Play_game _ ->  [Play (0,0)]


let apply : type a b. (a game * a move) -> b game = function
  | (Bid_game g, _) -> Play_game g
  | (Play_game ({ cards = [] } as g), _) -> Bid_game g
  | (Play_game g, _) -> Play_game g



(* ... *)
let rec loop g (* more parameters *) =
   let ms = moves g in
   let m = (* choose an element of ms somehow *) in
   loop (apply g m) (* more parameters *)
(* ... *)




module type Exist = sig type t val x : t game end

let apply' : type a. a game -> a move -> (module Exist)
  = fun { data = cs }  m ->
  match cs with
  | [] ->
     let module M =  struct
         type t = bid_phase 
         let x = { phase = Bid_phase; data = [] }
       end in
     (module M)
  | cs ->
     let module M = struct
         type t = play_phase
         let x = { phase = Play_phase; data = cs}
       end in
     (module M)

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)




type game2 = P of play_phase game | B of bid_phase game

请注意,您无法在与game2值匹配的模式之外访问这些类型。您基本上必须将play_phase gamebid_phase game视为两种截然不同且不兼容的类型。


(* Same types as yours, except for the game definition *)
type _ game_phase = Play_game : play_phase game_phase | Bid_game :  bid_phase game_phase
type 'a game = { data: common; phase: 'a game_phase; }

let moves : type a. a game -> a move list = function
  | { phase = Bid_game; _ } -> [Bid; NoBid]
  | { phase = Play_game; _ } ->  [Play (0,0)]

let apply : type a. (a game * a move) -> common = function
(* ... *)





另外,@ Drup的解决方案比我的好。

答案 1 :(得分:5)

@ PatJ的解决方案是隐藏类型并尝试继续前进。我认为这是一个糟糕的解决方案,因为它最终并没有真​​正给你任何东西,并迫使你与存在者一起玩捉迷藏。


type card = int * int
type common = { cards : card list }
type play = Play
type bid = Bid
type _ game = Play_game :  common ->  play game | Bid_game :  common ->  bid game
type (_,_) move =
  | Play : card -> (play, play) move
  | StartBid : (play, bid) move
  | Bid : (bid, play) move
  | NoBid : (bid, play) move

type 'a any_move = Ex : ('a, 'b) move -> 'a any_move

let moves : type a. a game -> a any_move list = function
  | Bid_game _ -> [Ex Bid; Ex NoBid]
  | Play_game _ ->  [Ex (Play (0,0))]

let apply : type a b. a game -> (a, b) move -> b game =
  fun g m -> match m, g with
    | Bid, Bid_game g -> Play_game g
    | NoBid, Bid_game g -> Play_game g
    | StartBid, Play_game g -> Bid_game g
    | Play _c, Play_game g -> Play_game g

let rec loop : type a . a game -> _ =
  function g ->
    let ms = moves g in
    let Ex m = List.hd ms (* choose an element of ms somehow *) in
    loop (apply g m) (* more parameters *)

请注意显式移动以进入出价。您只能 根据其他类型信息确定类型。特别是你不能说“游戏现在正在竞标,因为卡片列表是空的”而没有解除卡片列表在类型级别为空的事实。

如果你问我,我觉得这太过分了,但是呃。 :P