face_recognizer = cv2.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer_create()
#this function recognizes the person in image passed
#and draws a rectangle around detected face with name of the
def predict(test_img):
#make a copy of the image as we don't want to chang original image
img = test_img.copy()
#detect face from the image
face, rect = detect_face(img)
#predict the image using our face recognizer
label= face_recognizer.predict(face)
#get name of respective label returned by face recognizer
label_text = subjects[label]
#draw a rectangle around face detected
draw_rectangle(img, rect)
#draw name of predicted person
draw_text(img, label_text, rect[0], rect[1]-5)
return img`
error Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-13-d6517b4e38bd> in <module>()
7 #perform a prediction
----> 8 predicted_img1 = predict(test_img1)
9 #predicted_img2 = predict(test_img2)
10 print("Prediction complete")
<ipython-input-12-b46266ecb9d5> in predict(test_img)
10 #predict the image using our face recognizer
---> 11 label= face_recognizer.predict(face)
12 #get name of respective label returned by face recognizer
13 label_text = subjects[label]
error: C:\projects\opencv-python\opencv\modules\core\src\matrix.cpp:310:
error: (-215) s >= 0 in function cv::setSize
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我正在测试同一个github项目,并且在添加新的训练图像和测试图像时遇到了相同的错误。当使用训练数据中的图像之一作为测试图像时,问题就消失了。因此问题在于,如@ DaveW.Smith所建议的那样,当找不到匹配项时,没有任何地方可以处理。