
时间:2017-12-14 17:56:51

标签: typescript type-inference typescript-generics

我试图让打字稿打字工作的模式中有一个对象的函数和一个函数call(name, arg),它在对象中查找函数 name,并使用arg调用。


interface Registry {
  str2numb: (p: string) => number
  num2bool: (p: number) => boolean

const REGISTRY: Registry = {
  str2numb: p => parseInt(p, 10),
  num2bool: p => !!p,

我还有一个函数call(name, p)可以解析REGISTRY中的函数,并使用p调用它。现在,我想输入函数,如果提供了无效的参数,它会抱怨:

const call = (name, p) => REGISTRY[name](p)

call('str2numb', 123)
//               ^^^ Would like to see an error here


// How can I resolve P and R here?
// The resolved function is Registry[N]
// I have tried Registry[N]<P, R> but that doesn't work :-(
const call = <N extends keyof Registry>(name: N, p: P): R => REGISTRY[name](p)


type Fn<P, R> = (p: P) => R

const call =
  <N extends keyof Funcs, F extends Funcs[N] & Fn<P, R>, P, R>
    (name: N, p: P): R =>

call('str2numb', 123)
//               ^^^ No error here


// This just returns the resolved function
const call1 = <N extends keyof Funcs>(name: N) => REGISTRY[name]

// The type of the returned function is correctly inferred from the name
//                ^^^ Argument of type '123' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


// type for the compiler
type RegistrySchema = {
  str2numb: { argument: string, result: number };
  num2bool: { argument: number, result: boolean };

// represent Registry in terms of RegistrySchema
type Registry = {
  [K in keyof RegistrySchema]:
    (argument: RegistrySchema[K]['argument']) => RegistrySchema[K]['result'] 

// same REGISTRY as before
const REGISTRY: Registry = {
  str2numb: p => parseInt(p, 10),
  num2bool: p => !!p,

// call can be defined thusly
function call<K extends keyof RegistrySchema>(
  k: K,
  argument: RegistrySchema[K]['argument']
): RegistrySchema[K]['result'] {
  return REGISTRY[k](argument);

// it works
const x = call('str2numb', 123); // error
const y = call('str2numb', "hello"); // y is number

答案 1 :(得分:0)

没有办法提取出来&#39; typecript中函数类型的参数类型。


// used to encode parameter and result type
// like this: param<string>().result<number>()
function param<P>(): { result<R>(): {p: P[], r: R[]}} {
    return {
        result<R>() {
            return {p: [], r: []} // use empty arrays so we don't have 
                                  // to provide values

const registryTypes = {
    str2numb: param<string>().result<number>(),
    num2bool: param<number>().result<boolean>()
type RegistryTypes = typeof registryTypes;

// this has the same type as `interface Registry` in the question
type Registry = {[N in keyof RegistryTypes]: (p: RegistryTypes[N]['p'][0]) => RegistryTypes[N]['r'][0]};

const REGISTRY: Registry = {
  str2numb: p => parseInt(p, 10),
  num2bool: p => !!p,

let call: <N extends keyof RegistryTypes>(n: N, p: RegistryTypes[N]['p'][0]) => RegistryTypes[N]['r'][0];

const n = call('str2numb', '2'); // ok, n is a number
const n1 = call('str2numb', 2); // error