
时间:2017-12-14 16:39:42

标签: scala

我对此问题有类似的问题(In Scala, is it possible to “curry” type parameters of a def?) ,但我不知道如何使用给定的解决方案来解决它。


trait Block[U] {
  def map(df: DataFrame, params: U): DataFrame

case class ParseURL() extends Block[(String, Column)] {
  override def map(df: DataFrame, params: (String, Column)): DataFrame

class Pipeline(df: Dataframe) {
  def copy(newDf: DataFrame) = new Pipeline(newDf)

  def map[T <: Block[U] : ClassTag, U](d: U): Pipeline = {
    val block: T = implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass.newInstance.asInstanceOf[T]
    this.copy(block.map(df, d))


val pipeline = new Pipeline(df).map[ParseURL, (String, Column)]("url", $"url")


val pipeline = new Pipeline(df).map[ParseURL]("url", $"url")


编辑:另外,我不知道this article是否应该激励我。

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

有一种方法可以将类似的内容与你正在寻找的内容相提并论,但对于读者而言可能有点笨拙和混乱,因为它最终会调用map看起来像这样:.map(("url", col("url")))[ParseURL]


class Pipeline(df: DataFrame) { self =>
  def copy(newDf: DataFrame) = new Pipeline(newDf)

  final class Mapper[U](d: U) {
    def apply[T <: Block[U] : ClassTag]: Pipeline = {
      val block: T = implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass.newInstance.asInstanceOf[T]
      self.copy(block.map(df, d))

  def map[U](d: U): Mapper[U] = new Mapper(d)

val pipeline = new Pipeline(df).map(("url", col("url")))[ParseURL]



val pipeline = new Pipeline(df).map(("url", col("url"))).using[ParseURL]

答案 1 :(得分:1)

我不认为您可以在引用的问题中轻松应用解决方案,因为您的类型TU之间存在依赖关系,并且方向不好:{{1} }取决于T,您想省略U




trait Block[U] {
  def map(df: DataFrame, params: U): DataFrame

trait BlockFactory[T <: Block[U], U] {
  def create(): T

class ParseURL extends Block[(String, Column)] {
  override def map(df: DataFrame, params: (String, Column)): DataFrame = ???

object ParseURL extends BlockFactory[ParseURL, (String, Column)] {
  override def create(): ParseURL = new ParseURL

class Pipeline(df: DataFrame) {
  //      ...
  def copy(newDf: DataFrame) = new Pipeline(newDf)

  //      ...

  def map[T <: Block[U] : ClassTag, U](blockFactory: BlockFactory[T, U], d: U): Pipeline = {
    val block: T = blockFactory.create()
    this.copy(block.map(df, d))

  //      ...

如果您的典型val pipeline = new Pipeline(df).map(ParseURL, ("url", $"url")) 实现实际上与Block一样非通用,那么这个想法应该可行。如果你有一些通用的ParseURL实现,那么使用看起来就不那么好了:


你可以通过颠倒class GenericBlock[U] extends Block[U] { override def map(df: DataFrame, params: U): DataFrame = ??? } class GenericBlockFactory[U] extends BlockFactory[GenericBlock[U], U] { override def create(): GenericBlock[U] = ??? } object GenericBlockFactory { def apply[U](): GenericBlockFactory[U] = new GenericBlockFactory[U] } val pipelineGen = new Pipeline(df).map(GenericBlockFactory[(String, Column)](), ("url", $"url")) 的参数顺序然后讨论它来改善它,例如


通过这种方式,您不必指定class Pipeline(df: DataFrame) { def map[T <: Block[U] : ClassTag, U](d: U)(blockFactory: BlockFactory[T, U]): Pipeline = } val pipelineGen = new Pipeline(df).map(("url", $"url"))(GenericBlockFactory()) 的通用类型,仍然必须写GenericBlockFactory来调用其()。这样对我来说感觉不太自然,但你节省了一些打字。

答案 2 :(得分:0)


trait Block {
  type Parameters

  // WARNING: This function is used only by pipeline and cast only the block parameters to avoid any cast in
  // implementations
  def mapDf[T <: Block : ClassTag](df: DataFrame, params: Any): DataFrame = {
    this.map[T](df, params.asInstanceOf[Parameters])

  // Abstract function that processes a dataframe
  def map[T <: Block : ClassTag](df: DataFrame, params: Parameters): DataFrame

case class ParseURL() extends Block {
  override type Parameters = (String, Column)

  override def map[T <: Block : ClassTag](df: DataFrame, params: Parameters): DataFrame = {...}

class Pipeline(df: Dataframe) {
  def copy(newDf: DataFrame) = new Pipeline(newDf)

  def map[T <: Block : ClassTag](d: T#Parameters): Pipeline = {
    this.copy(registry.lookupRegistry[T].mapDf(df, d))

case class NoSuchBlockException(declaredBlock: Class[_])
    extends Exception(s"No block registered $declaredBlock in current registry")

class BlockRegistry {
  var registry: Map[ClassTag[_ <: Block], _ <: Block] = Map()

  def register[T <: Block : ClassTag](block: Block) = {
    registry += (classTag[T] -> block)

  def lookupRegistry[T <: Block : ClassTag]: Block = registry.get(classTag[T]) match {
    case Some(block) => block
    case _ => throw NoSuchBlockException(classTag[T].runtimeClass)

object BlockRegistry {
  val registry: BlockRegistry = new BlockRegistry()

val pipeline = new Pipeline(df).map[ParseURL]("url", $"url")
