C ++在使用min_element或max_element时检索向量中的索引值

时间:2017-12-12 06:15:06

标签: c++ vector indexing max min

我正在处理一个问题,我的代码中有2个向量对象:1是vector<string>,另一个是vector<unsigned>,我作为const ref传递给某个函数。我正在使用这些函数来查找一个向量中的最小值或最大值,但我需要min或max的索引值,以便我可以索引到另一个向量。我的代码看起来像这样:

std::string getTopEmployee( const std::vector<std::string>& names, const std::vector<unsigned>& ratings ) {
    // Find Largest Value in ratings
    std::size_t largest = *std::max_element( ratings.begin(), ratings.end() );
    // How to get the index?
    // I do not need the largest value itself.

    return names[index];

std::string getWorstEmployee( const std::vector<std::string>& names, const std::vector<unsigned>& ratings ) {

   // Find Smallest Value in ratings
   std::size_t smallest = *std::min_element( ratings.begin(), ratings.end() );
    // How to get the index?
    // I do not need the smallest value itself.

    return names[index];


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)



std::string getTopEmployee( const std::vector<std::string>& names, const std::vector<unsigned>& ratings ) {
    // Find Largest Value in ratings
    auto largest = std::max_element( ratings.begin(), ratings.end() );
    if (largest == ratings.end()) return "";
    return names[std::distance(ratings.begin(), largest)];

std::string getWorstEmployee( const std::vector<std::string>& names, const std::vector<unsigned>& ratings ) {
    // Find Smallest Value in ratings
    auto smallest = std::min_element( ratings.begin(), ratings.end() );
    if (smallest == ratings.end()) return "";
    return names[std::distance(ratings.begin(), smallest)];

答案 1 :(得分:4)

对于std::vector或任何其他具有random-access iterators的容器,您可以使用算术运算符(为简单起见,假设容器不为空):

 auto maxi = std::max_element(ratings.begin(), ratings.end());
 return names[maxi - ratings.begin()];


对于迭代器至少为input iterators的容器,您可以使用std::distance

 auto maxi = std::max_element(ratings.begin(), ratings.end());
 return std::distance(ratings.begin(), maxi);
