LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row
Private Sub ImportAPRData_Click()
'Declare variables for columns in "Projects" spreadsheet in Approved Reliability Projects Workbook (Excel)
Dim orgSheetCol(13) As String
orgSheetCol(0) = "$E$" 'Project Title
orgSheetCol(1) = "$D$" 'Circuit Tag
orgSheetCol(2) = "$F$" 'District
orgSheetCol(3) = "$G$" 'State
orgSheetCol(4) = "$M$" 'Date recieved
orgSheetCol(5) = "$J$" 'Planned Capital Cost
orgSheetCol(6) = "$X$" 'Actual Capital Cost
orgSheetCol(7) = "$U$" 'Capital work completed date
orgSheetCol(8) = "$K$" 'Planned O&M Cost
orgSheetCol(9) = "$Y$" 'Actual O&M Cost
orgSheetCol(10) = "$V$" 'O&M work completed date
orgSheetCol(11) = "$AD$" 'Path to RWP file
orgSheetCol(12) = "I" 'Investment Reason
'Declare variables for cell values attained from APR spreadsheet
Dim orgSheetvalues(13) As Variant
orgSheetvalues(0) = "" 'Project Title
orgSheetvalues(1) = "" 'Circuit Tag
orgSheetvalues(2) = "" 'District
orgSheetvalues(3) = "" 'State
orgSheetvalues(4) = "" 'Date recieved
orgSheetvalues(5) = "" 'Planned Capital Cost
orgSheetvalues(6) = "" 'Actual Capital Cost
orgSheetvalues(7) = "" 'Capital work completed date
orgSheetvalues(8) = "" 'Planned O&M Cost
orgSheetvalues(9) = "" 'Actual O&M Cost
orgSheetvalues(10) = "" 'O&M work completed date
orgSheetvalues(11) = "" 'RWP File Path
orgSheetvalues(12) = "" 'Investment Reason
'Declare & Set Variables for opening & working with Excel Wrokbook / worksheet (Approved Relaibility Projects/Projects)
Dim xls As Excel.Application
Dim wkb As Excel.Workbook
Dim wks As Excel.Worksheet
Set xls = New Excel.Application
'Delcare & set variables for loops, excel row, cell numbers, etc.
Dim rownumber As Integer
rownumber = 3
Dim rowstring As String
Dim cellstring As String
Dim i As Integer
'Declare & set variable to see if RWP already exists in table
Dim tablecheck As Integer
tablecheck = 0
'Declare variable for Capital and O&M Costs / completion dates conditions
Dim Condition1 As Boolean
Dim Condition2 As Boolean
Dim Condition3 As Boolean
Dim Condition4 As Boolean
Dim Condition5 As Boolean
Dim Condition6 As Boolean
Dim Condition7 As Boolean
Dim Condition8 As Boolean
Dim LastRow As Integer
'Open Approved Reliability Projects Workbook & set worksheet to "Projects"
xls.Visible = True
xls.UserControl = True
Set wkb = xls.Workbooks.Open("\\pacificorp.us\dfs\SLCCO\SHR02\PD\POWER\AreaSystemFiles\UT\Park_City_Office\Reliability\RWP_Goal_Tracking\Approved Reliability Projects v5.xlsm", ReadOnly:=True, UpdateLinks:=False)
Set wks = wkb.Worksheets("Projects")
'Find row # for last populated row
LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row 'For some reason it keeps giving me an error here!!!!
'For each row in APR spreadsheet get info, then make sure all criteria are met, then check to see if it already exists in table, if not insert into table
For rownumber = 3 To LastRow
rowstring = CStr(rownumber)
'Pull information from specified row in APR Spreadsheet
For i = 0 To 12
cellstring = orgSheetCol(i) & rowstring
orgSheetvalues(i) = wks.Range(cellstring).Value
If IsError(orgSheetvalues(i)) Then
orgSheetvalues(i) = wks.Range(cellstring).Text
End If
Next i
'Check to make sure that there are planned costs and completion dates before inserting into rwpT Table
Condition1 = orgSheetvalues(5) <> "" And (orgSheetvalues(7) <> "" And orgSheetvalues(7) <> "#") And orgSheetvalues(11) Like "\\*"
Condition2 = orgSheetvalues(5) = "" And orgSheetvalues(7) = "" And orgSheetvalues(11) Like "\\*"
Condition3 = orgSheetvalues(8) <> "" And orgSheetvalues(10) <> "" And orgSheetvalues(10) <> "N/A"
Condition4 = orgSheetvalues(8) = "" And orgSheetvalues(10) = ""
Condition5 = Condition1 And Condition3
Condition6 = Condition1 And Condition4
Condition7 = Condition1 And Condition3
Condition8 = (Condition5 Or Condition6) Or Condition7
If Condition8 Then
tablecheck = DCount("PlanTitle", "rwpT", "PlanTitle = '" & orgSheetvalues(0) & "'") 'check rwp table to see if plan is already there
'If plan is not there insert into rwpT Table
If tablecheck = 0 Then
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO rwpT (PlanTitle, Circuit, OpArea, State, InvestmentReason, ApprovalDate, PlanCapitalCost, ActualCapitalCost, CapitalWorkCompDate, PlanOMCost, ActualOMCost, OMWorkCompDate, File) Values ('" & orgSheetvalues(0) & "', '" & orgSheetvalues(1) & "', '" & orgSheetvalues(2) & "', '" & orgSheetvalues(3) & "','" & orgSheetvalues(12) & "', '" & orgSheetvalues(4) & "', '" & orgSheetvalues(5) & "', '" & orgSheetvalues(6) & "', '" & orgSheetvalues(7) & "', '" & orgSheetvalues(8) & "', '" & orgSheetvalues(9) & "', '" & orgSheetvalues(10) & "','" & orgSheetvalues(11) & "')"
End If
End If
Next rownumber
'Close Approved Reliability Projects Workbook & remove all handles to it
wkb.Close False 'Close workbook. False is so that it doesn't save
Set wks = Nothing
Set wkb = Nothing
Set xls = Nothing
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:0)
将Dim LastRow As Integer
更改为Dim LastRow As Long
答案 1 :(得分:0)
MS Access没有默认的Rows
的含义,因此它使用Excel Application对象的默认实例中的属性(与您的xls
LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row
LastRow = wks.Cells(wks.Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row