我正在使用 express-validator 来验证我的表单 除了检查用户名是否唯一之外,我能够验证所有内容。
由于我正在为 MongoDB 使用 Mongoose ,因此搜索数据库是异步的。
// Call the model function to find a user by their username
User.getUserByUsername(username, function(error, user) {
if ( error ) throw error; // If there is an error throw it
这是 getUserByUsername 函数:
module.exports.getUserByUsername = function(username, callback) { // Find a user by their username
var query = {username: username}; // Set the query to search for matching usernames
User.findOne(query, callback); // Find one object with the given query and call the callback function
我不确定如何将其合并到Custom Express Validator中。我尝试过这样的事情:
app.use(validator( { // Use Express Validator
customValidators: { // Create custom validators
usernameExists: function( username ) { // Create a validator with the name of 'usernameExists' and make it a function
User.getUserByUsername(username, function(err, user) { // Call the model function to find a user by their username
if ( err ) throw err; // If there is an error throw it
if(!user) { // If the user doesn't exist
// Return false
// Otherwise Return true
} ));
这里的问题是 getUserByUsername 是异步的,这意味着我可以 NOT 从该函数内部使用 return 。
req.checkBody('username', 'Username is already registered.').usernameExists( req.body.username ); // If the username already exists