使用以下代码,我可以将图像插入特定单元格(C2)。 但我担心的是如何将图像作为对象或文本文件插入到工作表的特定单元格中 请检查屏幕截图以供参考。
import openpyxl
import time
import datetime
from openpyxl.drawing.image import Image
################### Todays date ###############################
print (FormatedDate)
Sigos_DailyHealthCheckReport = r'D:\Script\Monitoring\CheckReport-6-Dec-2017.xlsx'
LoadFile = openpyxl.load_workbook(Sigos_DailyHealthCheckReport)
Sheet2 = LoadFile.get_sheet_by_name('Operational Status Of SITE')
img = Image("D:\Script\Monitoring\Dashboard.png", size=[140,140])
Sheet2['A1'] = 'This is Sid'
Sheet2.add_image(img, 'C2')
答案 0 :(得分:2)
###### Finally I have develop the script for the above mention question.
###### I am share it so that someone can make use of it if he/she is searching resolution for similar issue.
##pip install pypiwin32 to work with windows operating sysytm and import the module as mentioned below.
import win32com.client
# Creating an object for accessing excel application.
excel_app = win32com.client.Dispatch('Excel.Application')
# Set visible as 1. It is required to perform the desired task.
excel_app.visible = 1
# Open the excel workbook from the desired location in read mode.
workbook = excel_app.Workbooks.Open(r'D:\Script\Monitoring\DailyHealthCheckReport.xlsx')
# Select worksheet by name.
worksheet = workbook.Sheets('Operational Status Of SITE')
# To assign an object for OLEObject(=EMBED("Packager Shell Object","")).
Embedded_object = worksheet.OLEObjects()
# To assign loction of the image file that need to inserted as OBJECT in excel worksheet.
file_loction = "D:\Script\Monitoring\Dashboard.png"
# To add selected file to the excel worksheet. It will add the OBJECT to the A1 cell of the current worksheet.
Embedded_object.Add(ClassType=None, Filename=file_loction, Link=False, DisplayAsIcon=True,Left=3, Top=0, Width=50, Height=50)
# To Copy selected range of cells in the current worksheet.
# To paste the copied data to a perticular range of cells in currnet worksheet.
# To select fist item in the list of object i.e. first object.
obj = Embedded_object.Item(1)
# To delete selected object from the worksheet.