Python 3.6我的循环即使在删除列表时仍继续应用于列表

时间:2017-12-07 08:25:29

标签: python


roomMonsters是一个列表,如:[['A Zombie' , 2 , 2 , 3],['A Zombie , 2 , 2, 3]]

def heroAttack(roomMonsters , heroes):
    target = int(input('Which monster shall you attack? ')) #Which monster to attack
    attacker = int(input('Which hero shall you attack with? ')) #Which hero to attack with
    damage = int(random.randint(int(heroes[attacker][2]) , heroes[attacker][2])*2)    #Calculates damage
    for number in range(0,damage):
        while roomMonsters[target][1] > 0:
            roomMonsters[target][1] = roomMonsters[target][1]-1
            #print('Debug, inflicting pain')

    print('Your' , heroes[attacker][0] , 'attacked' , roomMonsters[target][0] , 'for' , damage , 'damage.') #Prints the result
    return roomMonsters




You enter the room and monsters lie ahead of you...  
You can see:  
0 A Zombie with 2 HP.
1 A Spider with 5 HP.
2 A Zombie with 2 HP.
Which monster shall you attack? 0
Which hero shall you attack with? 1
Your Wielder of Zzzzap attacked A Zombie for 14 damage.
A Zombie exploded in a fiery ball of gloop.
You enter the room and monsters lie ahead of you...  
You can see:  
0 A Spider with 5 HP.
1 A Zombie with 0 HP.



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:-1)

这个问题看起来像是列表重复中常见的警告之一。 (类似问题:List of lists changes reflected across sublists unexpectedly


zombieList = ['A Zombie' , 2 , 2 , 3]
badCopyRoomMonsters = [zombieList,zombieList]
#trying to deal damage to only the first zombie
badCopyRoomMonsters[0][1] = 0
print(zombieList) #even the original list got modified because they are all references to the same object

zombieList = ['A Zombie' , 2 , 2 , 3]
goodCopyRoomMonsters =[zombieList.copy(),zombieList.copy()]
#trying to deal damage to only the first zombie
goodCopyRoomMonsters[0][1] = 0
print(zombieList) #now it's all behaving as expected