发现最近7天的邮件从gmail发送到csv in python

时间:2017-12-06 13:36:49

标签: python-3.x gmail imap


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Dec  6 18:34:56 2017

@author: ravi

import email, getpass, imaplib, os , datetime , csv

detach_dir = '.' # directory where to save attachments (default: current)
user = input("Enter your GMail username:")
pwd = getpass.getpass("Enter your password: ")

# connecting to the gmail imap server
m = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL("imap.gmail.com")
m.select("inbox") # here you a can choose a mail box like INBOX instead
m.list()# to get all the mailboxes

date = (datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(7)).strftime("%d-%b-%Y")
result, data = m.search(None, '(SENTSINCE {date})'.format(date=date))
ids = data[0]
id_list = ids.split()

final_list = [ ]

for emailid in id_list:
    temp_dict = { }
    result, data = m.fetch(id_list, "(RFC822)")# fetching the mail, "`(RFC822)`" means "get the whole stuff", but you can ask for headers only, etc
    email_body = data[0][1] # getting the mail content
    mail = email.message_from_bytes(email_body) # parsing the mail content to get a mail object
    temp_dict['Sender'] = mail["From"]
    temp_dict['Subject'] = mail["Subject"]
    temp_dict['Date'] = mail["Date"]

    print ("["+mail["From"]+"] :" + mail["Subject"] +mail["Date"])

    print (temp_dict)

#exporting the values as .csv
with open('CSV_NAME.csv', 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline = '') as csvfile: 
    fieldnames = ['Sender','Subject','Date']
    writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames, delimiter = ',')
    for val in final_list:




# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Dec  5 19:36:33 2017

@author: ravi

import email, getpass, imaplib, os , datetime , csv

detach_dir = '.' # directory where to save attachments (default: current)
user = input("Enter your GMail username:")
pwd = getpass.getpass("Enter your password: ")

# connecting to the gmail imap server
m = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL("imap.gmail.com")
m.select("inbox") # here you a can choose a mail box like INBOX instead
m.list()# to get all the mailboxes

date = (datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(7)).strftime("%d-%b-%Y")
resp, items = m.uid('search', None, '(SENTSINCE {date})'.format(date=date)) # you could filter using the IMAP rules here (check http://www.example-code.com/csharp/imap-search-critera.asp)
items = items[0].split() # getting the mails id

final_list = [ ]

for emailid in items:
    temp_dict = { }
    resp, data = m.uid('fetch',items,'(RFC822)')# fetching the mail, "`(RFC822)`" means "get the whole stuff", but you can ask for headers only, etc
    email_body = data[0][1] # getting the mail content
    mail = email.message_from_bytes(email_body) # parsing the mail content to get a mail object
    temp_dict['Sender'] = mail["From"]
    temp_dict['Subject'] = mail["Subject"]
    temp_dict['Date'] = mail["Date"]

    print ("["+mail["From"]+"] :" + mail["Subject"] +mail["Date"])

    print (temp_dict)

#exporting the values as .csv
with open('CSV_NAME.csv', 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline = '') as csvfile: 
    fieldnames = ['Sender','Subject','Date']
    writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames, delimiter = ',')
    for val in final_list:

我收到错误: -

---> 31     resp, data = m.uid('fetch',items,'(RFC822)')# fetching the mail, "`(RFC822)`" means "get the whole stuff", but you can ask for headers only, etc

\Anaconda3\lib\imaplib.py in _command(self, name, *args)
    943             if isinstance(arg, str):
    944                 arg = bytes(arg, self._encoding)
--> 945             data = data + b' ' + arg
    947         literal = self.literal
TypeError: can't concat bytes to list


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)





uids = ','.join(items)
uids = b','.join(items)