
时间:2017-12-05 12:57:49

标签: android sqlite cursor android-cursor

我很困惑为什么我无法在drop table hist_loads drop table hist_exproot drop table hist_eqmtlist GO create table hist_loads ( shiftindex int, truck int, measureton decimal(18,2), --,AVG(measureton) as measureton --,COUNT(excav) as loads excav int ) create table hist_exproot ( shiftindex int, shiftdate date, ) create table hist_eqmtlist ( shiftindex int, eqmtid int, -- hl.truck = heq.eqmtid eqmttype varchar(100) --in ('Euclid EH4500','Euclid EH4500-W','Euclid EH4500-HW') ) GO insert into hist_loads values (1,1,100,1) ,(2,1,200,1) ,(3,1,300,1) ,(4,1,100,1) ,(5,1,200,1) ,(6,1,300,1) ,(7,1,100,1) ,(8,1,200,1) ,(9,1,300,1) ,(10,1,100,1) ,(11,1,200,1) ,(12,1,300,1) ,(13,2,300,1) ,(14,2,295,1) ,(15,2,295,1) ,(16,2,300,1) ,(17,2,295,1) ,(18,2,295,1) ,(19,2,300,1) ,(20,2,295,1) ,(21,2,295,1) ,(22,2,300,1) ,(23,2,295,1) ,(24,2,295,1) ,(25,2,300,1) ,(26,2,295,1) ,(27,2,295,1) ,(28,3,300,1) ,(29,3,300,1) ,(30,3,300,1) ,(31,3,300,1) ,(32,3,300,1) ,(33,3,300,1) ,(34,3,300,1) ,(35,3,300,1) ,(36,3,300,1) ,(37,3,300,1) ,(38,3,300,1) ,(39,3,300,1) ,(40,3,300,1) ,(41,3,300,1) ,(42,3,300,1) ,(43,4,999,1) insert into hist_exproot values (1,'2017-12-05') ,(2,'2017-12-05') ,(3,'2017-12-05') ,(4,'2017-12-05') ,(5,'2017-12-05') ,(6,'2017-12-05') ,(7,'2017-12-05') ,(8,'2017-12-05') ,(9,'2017-12-05') ,(10,'2017-12-05') ,(11,'2017-12-05') ,(12,'2017-12-05') ,(13,'2017-12-05') ,(14,'2017-12-05') ,(15,'2017-12-05') ,(16,'2017-12-05') ,(17,'2017-12-05') ,(18,'2017-12-05') ,(19,'2017-12-05') ,(20,'2017-12-05') ,(21,'2017-12-05') ,(22,'2017-12-05') ,(23,'2017-12-05') ,(24,'2017-12-05') ,(25,'2017-12-05') ,(26,'2017-12-05') ,(27,'2017-12-05') ,(28,'2017-12-05') ,(29,'2017-12-05') ,(30,'2017-12-05') ,(31,'2017-12-05') ,(32,'2017-12-05') ,(33,'2017-12-05') ,(34,'2017-12-05') ,(35,'2017-12-05') ,(36,'2017-12-05') ,(37,'2017-12-05') ,(38,'2017-12-05') ,(39,'2017-12-05') ,(40,'2017-12-05') ,(41,'2017-12-05') ,(42,'2017-12-05') ,(43,'2017-12-05') insert into hist_eqmtlist values (1,1,'Euclid EH4500') ,(2,1,'Euclid EH4500') ,(3,1,'Euclid EH4500') ,(4,1,'Euclid EH4500') ,(5,1,'Euclid EH4500') ,(6,1,'Euclid EH4500') ,(7,1,'Euclid EH4500') ,(8,1,'Euclid EH4500') ,(9,1,'Euclid EH4500') ,(10,1,'Euclid EH4500') ,(11,1,'Euclid EH4500') ,(12,1,'Euclid EH4500') ,(13,2,'Euclid EH4500-W') ,(14,2,'Euclid EH4500-W') ,(15,2,'Euclid EH4500-W') ,(16,2,'Euclid EH4500-W') ,(17,2,'Euclid EH4500-W') ,(18,2,'Euclid EH4500-W') ,(19,2,'Euclid EH4500-W') ,(20,2,'Euclid EH4500-W') ,(21,2,'Euclid EH4500-W') ,(22,2,'Euclid EH4500-W') ,(23,2,'Euclid EH4500-W') ,(24,2,'Euclid EH4500-W') ,(25,2,'Euclid EH4500-W') ,(26,2,'Euclid EH4500-W') ,(27,2,'Euclid EH4500-W') ,(28,3,'Euclid EH4500-HW') ,(29,3,'Euclid EH4500-HW') ,(30,3,'Euclid EH4500-HW') ,(31,3,'Euclid EH4500-HW') ,(32,3,'Euclid EH4500-HW') ,(33,3,'Euclid EH4500-HW') ,(34,3,'Euclid EH4500-HW') ,(35,3,'Euclid EH4500-HW') ,(36,3,'Euclid EH4500-HW') ,(37,3,'Euclid EH4500-HW') ,(38,3,'Euclid EH4500-HW') ,(39,3,'Euclid EH4500-HW') ,(40,3,'Euclid EH4500-HW') ,(41,3,'Euclid EH4500-HW') ,(42,3,'Euclid EH4500-HW') ,(43,4,'Euclid EH4500-HW') GO declare @dateIni date, @dateEnd date = getdate() set @dateIni = dateadd(day,-3,@dateEnd) select * into #temp_loads from ( select hl.truck ,AVG(hl.measureton) as avg_measureton ,COUNT(hl.excav) as loads from hist_loads hl join hist_exproot hex on hex.shiftindex = hl.shiftindex where hex.shiftdate between @dateIni and @dateEnd and exists (select * from hist_eqmtlist heq where heq.eqmtid = hl.truck and heq.eqmttype in ('Euclid EH4500','Euclid EH4500-W','Euclid EH4500-HW')) -- not a join because cannot be sure of the table correlation and data sanity group by hl.truck ) as ld where ld.loads >= 10 declare @average_measureton decimal = (select AVG(avg_measureton) from #temp_loads) declare @treshould decimal = @average_measureton -(@average_measureton/20.0) select @average_measureton, @treshould select tl.truck, tl.avg_measureton, hex.shiftdate from #temp_loads tl join hist_eqmtlist heq on heq.eqmtid = tl.truck join hist_exproot hex on hex.shiftindex = heq.shiftindex where tl.avg_measureton > @treshould and hex.shiftdate between @dateIni and @dateEnd -- you can repeat the truck type test here but it's not necessary, lef tit at the aggregation for performance drop table #temp_loads 中获得任何值。 我的代码中有什么问题..



我在上面代码的最后三行有 sqLiteDatabase = getReadableDatabase(); Cursor cursor = sqLiteDatabase.query("bank",new String[]{"name", "acno", "available"},"bank_index = ?",new String[]{String.valueOf(bank_index)},null,null,null); cursor.moveToFirst(); String name = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("name")); String acno = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("acno")); contentValues.put("bank", name + " Account number: " + acno); 错误。



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


if(cursor != null && cursor.getCount() > 0 ) {
   //go ahead

//You can also try
String query = "SELECT name, acno, available FROM bank WHERE bank_index = '"+String.valueOf(bank_index)+"'";
Cursor cursor = sqLiteDatabase.rawQuery(query,null);