通用和非通用接口和继承 - 访问时的模糊性

时间:2017-12-01 09:35:27

标签: c# generics inheritance


  • 基类

    public class Fruit
  • 继承类

    public class Apple : Fruit
  • 通用基本界面

    public interface IFruitsBase<T> where T : Fruit
        T GetItem();
        void ProcessItem(T fruit);
        void Check();
  • 非泛型接口,它继承自基类的泛型接口作为泛型

    public interface IFruits : IFruitsBase<Fruit>
  • 相应类的具体接口

    public interface IApples : IFruitsBase<Apple>, IFruits
        void MakeAppleJuice(IEnumerable<Apple> apples);
  • 基础实施类

    public class Fruits<T> : IFruitsBase<T>, IFruits where T : Fruit
        public T GetItem()
            return null;
        public void ProcessItem(T fruit)
        public void Check()
        Fruit IFruitsBase<Fruit>.GetItem()
            return this.GetItem();
        void IFruitsBase<Fruit>.ProcessItem(Fruit fruit)
  • 具体实施

    public class Apples : Fruits<Apple>, IApples
        public void MakeAppleJuice(IEnumerable<Apple> apples)


public interface IApples : IFruitsBase<Apple>, IFruits
    void MakeAppleJuice(IEnumerable<Apple> apples);



通过此界面Apple IFruitsBase<Apple> Get() Fruit IFruitsBase<Fruit>.Get()



public class Context
    public IApples Apples { get; set; }

    public Context()
        this.Apples = new Apples();

    public IFruits GetFruits(Type type)
        return this.Apples; //simplified the code here, it should actually get the member of this that fits the type

public class Foo
    public void Main()
        var context = new Context();
        Check(new IFruits[] { context.Apples }); //can't do that since context.Apples doesnt inherit from IFruits, to fix the above ambiguity

    public void Check(IEnumerable<IFruits> fruits)
        foreach (var fruit in fruits)


var context = new Context();
context.Apples.[only apple relevant methods should be accessable]


var context = new Context();
context.GetFruits(item.GetType()).[only fruit relevant methods should be accessable]


void Foo(IFruits fruits);

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


public interface IFruits
    Fruit GetItem();
    void ProcessItem(Fruit fruit);
    void Check();

// I changed the name of your IFruitsBase, because it's the same thing as IFruits
// No need to have 2 differents names to name the same thing    
public interface IFruits<T> : IFruits where T : Fruit
    T GetItem();
    void ProcessItem(T fruit);
    void Check(); // This one could probably be removed from this interface


public interface IApples : IFruits<Apple>

public class Fruits<T> : IFruits<T> where T : Fruit



var context = new Context();
context.Apples.[You will have access to both IFruits and IFruits<Apple>]


var context = new Context();
context.GetFruits(item.GetType()).[only IFruits methods are accessable]

答案 1 :(得分:1)

您需要构建一个协变接口才能实现此目的。您是否听说过variance in C#variant interfaces?您需要将IFruitsBase<T>重新定义为协变。即,在泛型参数上使用out关键字并将其约束为IFruit,如此IFruitsBase<out T> where T : IFruit


public interface IFruit

public interface IApple : IFruit

public class Fruit : IFruit

public class Fruit : IFruit


public class Apple : Fruit, IApple


然后使用复数形式(我希望这仅仅是为了示例,对吧?)。恕我直言,您可以摆脱非通用接口IFruits并将通用IFruitsBase<T>重命名为IFruits<T>。作为编码标准,您将 Base 后缀应用于要继承的类。

public interface IFruits<out T> where T : IFruit
    T GetItem();
    void ProcessItem(IFruit fruit);
    void Check();


public interface IApples : IFruits<IApple>
    void MakeAppleJuice(IEnumerable<IApple> apples);

public class Fruits<T> : IFruits<T> where T : IFruit
    public void Check()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public T GetItem()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public void ProcessItem(IFruit fruit)
        if (fruit is T)

            throw new NotSupportedException();

public class Apples : Fruits<IApple>, IApples
    public void MakeAppleJuice(IEnumerable<IApple> apples)
        // Do the juice


public class Context
    public IApples Apples { get; set; }

    public IBananas Bananas { get; set; }

    public Context()
        Apples = new Apples();

    public IFruits<T> GetFruits<T>() where T : IFruit
        return new Fruits<T>();


答案 2 :(得分:1)


public interface IFruit
public interface IApple: IFruit
public interface IFruits<T> where T : IFruit
    T GetItem();
    void ProcessItem(T fruit);
    void Check();
public class Fruits<T> : IFruits<T> where T : IFruit
    public void Check()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public T GetItem()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public void ProcessItem(T fruit)
        throw new NotImplementedException();
public interface IApples 
    void MakeAppleJuice(IEnumerable<IApple> apples);
public class Apples : Fruits<IApple>, IApples
    public void MakeAppleJuice(IEnumerable<IApple> apples)
        throw new NotImplementedException();
public class Context
    public IApples Apples { get; set; }

    public Context()
        this.Apples = new Apples();

    public IFruits<IFruit> GetFruits<T>()
        return null;
    private void test()

public class Foo
    public void Main()
        var context = new Context();
        Check(new IFruits<IFruit>[] { context.GetFruits<IApple>() });
    public void Check(IEnumerable<IFruits<IFruit>> fruits) 
        foreach (var fruit in fruits)

答案 3 :(得分:0)

在我看来,你的public interface IFruits : IFruitsBase<Fruit>是错误的。您没有基于通用接口声明非泛型接口,而是以相反的方式执行。这样更有意义。


public interface IFruitsBase<T> where T : Fruit
    T GetItem();
    void ProcessItem(T fruit);

public interface IFruits
    Fruit GetItem();
    void ProcessItem(Fruit fruit);

    void Check();

public class Fruits<T> : IFruitsBase<T>, IFruits where T : Fruit
    public T GetItem()
        return null;
    public void ProcessItem(T fruit)

    public void Check()


    Fruit IFruits.GetItem()
        throw new NotImplementedException();
    void IFruits.ProcessItem(Fruit fruit)

// no changes from here on

public class Apples : Fruits<Apple>, IApples
    public void MakeAppleJuice(IEnumerable<Apple> apples)


public class Fruit


public class Apple : Fruit


public interface IApples : IFruitsBase<Apple>, IFruits
    void MakeAppleJuice(IEnumerable<Apple> apples);

答案 4 :(得分:0)



Apples : List<Apple>

这不完全是你在做什么,但它基本上是一回事。 IMO这样做会增加维护代码的难度,并且会掩盖您尝试做的事情。相反,我已使用Apple



public class Context
    public Apple[] Apples { get; set; }

    public IFruit[] GetFruits()
        return null;

public interface IFruit


public class Apple : IFruit


public class Banana : IFruit


public static class Apples
    public static void MakeAppleJuice(this Apple[] apples)


    public static void ProcessItem(this Apple[] apples, Apple fruit)

class Program
    static void Foo(IFruit[] fruits)


    static void Main(string[] args)
        var context = new Context();
        Foo(context.Apples); //Dangerous call, but legal.
        context.Apples.ProcessItem(new Banana()); // Does not compile.