所以SDWebImage Download image and store to cache for key这正是我想在我的应用程序中做的事情。我想将图像存储在一个键中,然后再获取图像。这是我的代码块:
SDWebImageManager.shared().imageDownloader?.downloadImage(with: URL.init(string: url), options: SDWebImageDownloaderOptions.highPriority, progress: { (receivedSize:Int,expectedSize:Int,url : URL?) in
print("progressing here in this block ")
}, completed: ({(image : UIImage, data : Data,error : Error, finished : Bool) in
print("reached in the completion block ")
if finished {
SDImageCache.shared().store(image, forKey: "d", toDisk: true, completion: nil)
} else {
showAlert(viewController: self, title: "", message: error.localizedDescription)
} as? SDWebImageDownloaderCompletedBlock))