我目前正在使用新的15英寸HP Spectre 360x笔记本电脑,它运行最新的Windows 10 Home,而我正在使用CLion 2017.2.3作为我的简单C程序的IDE,这是一个编译问题.Cake的版本是3.10.0;但我似乎无法解决这个编译问题; CMake突出显示。有人可以请我解决这个问题吗?
// Program 7.11 A dynamic prime example
#define _STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1_ 1
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
int main(void)
unsigned long long *pPrimes = NULL; // Pointer to primes storage area
unsigned long long trial = 0; // Integer to the tested
bool found = false; // Indicates when we find a prime
int total = 0; // Number of primes required
int count = 0; // Number of primes found
printf("How many primes would you like - you'll gert at least 4? ");
scanf_s("%d", &total); // Total is how many we need to find
total = total < 4 ? 4 : total; // Make sure it is at least 4
// Allocate sufficient memory to store the number of primes required
pPrimes = (unsigned long long*) malloc(total* sizeof(unsigned long long));
printf("Not enough memory. It's the end I'm afraid.\n");
return 1;
// We know the first three primes so let's give the program a start
*pPrimes = 2ULL;
*(pPrimes + 1) = 3ULL;
*(pPrimes + 2) = 5ULL;
count = 3;
trial = 5ULL;
// Find all the primes required
while(count < total)
trial +- 2ULL; // next value for checking
// Divide by the primes we have. If any divide exactly - it's not prime
for(int i = 1 ; i < count ; ++i)
if(!(found = (trial % *(pPrimes + i))))
break; // Exit if zero remainder
if(found) // We got one - if found is true
*(pPrimes + count++) = trial; // Store it and increment count
// Display primes 5-up
for(int i = 0 ; i < total ; ++i)
printf("%12llu", *(pPrimes + i));
if(!((i+1) % 5))
pPrimes = NULL;
return 0;
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
set(SOURCE_FILES main.c)
add_executable(untitled1 ${SOURCE_FILES})