Describe MyFailTest{
Assert-Throws {
throw "I do nothing interesting."
} -MessagePattern "Not that message because I want a failure"
Describe MyPassTest{
Assert-Throws {
throw "I will pass"
} -MessagePattern "I will pass"
现在我试图将测试作为CI / CD管道的一部分运行。我正在使用来自Black Marble"的Pester Test Runner"启动我的.tests.ps1文件的任务。在我的NUnit输出中,我可以看到它将我的测试标记为按预期传递和失败。
所以现在我们得到奇怪的部分。我在VSTS中使用了发布结果任务,我只看到了失败的测试。为什么我也没有看到通过考试?奇怪的是,如果我有一个成功的测试运行,它会报告1/1测试失败。我没有看到任何改变它的选择。我尝试将结果过滤器设置为" All"在测试选项卡中。有什么想法吗?
Evaluating condition for step: 'Pester Test Runner'
Evaluating: succeeded()
Evaluating succeeded:
=> (Boolean) True
Expanded: True
Result: True
##[section]Starting: Pester Test Runner
Task : Pester Test Runner from Black Marble
Description : Run Pester tests without the need to install Pester in with the PMModule folder or in the source repo (Using Pester 3.4.3 or 4.0.8)
Version : 6.0.9
Author : Richard Fennell
Help : Version: 6.0.9. [More Information](https://github.com/rfennell/vNextBuild/wiki/Pester-Task/)
Preparing task execution handler.
Executing the powershell script: d:\a\_tasks\Pester_31ef0033-64e3-4c55-b888-f446541474a6\6.0.9\Pester.ps1
PowerShellHandler.Execute - AddCommand(d:\a\_tasks\Pester_31ef0033-64e3-4c55-b888-f446541474a6\6.0.9\Pester.ps1)
PowerShellHandler.Execute - Add inputParameters
PowerShellHandler.Execute - AddParameter(scriptFolder=d:\a\1\s\Tasks\XXXXTWStaging\Tests\)
PowerShellHandler.Execute - AddParameter(resultsFile=d:\a\1\s\Test-Pester.XML)
PowerShellHandler.Execute - AddParameter(CodeCoverageOutputFile=)
PowerShellHandler.Execute - AddParameter(tag=)
PowerShellHandler.Execute - AddParameter(excludeTag=)
PowerShellHandler.Execute - AddParameter(pesterVersion=4.0.8)
PowerShellHandler.Execute - AddParameter(run32Bit=False)
PowerShellHandler.Execute - AddParameter(moduleFolder=)
PowerShellHandler.Execute - Invoke
Running in AMD64 PowerShell
Loading Pester module from [D:\a\_tasks\Pester_31ef0033-64e3-4c55-b888-f446541474a6\6.0.9\4.0.8]
Loading module from path 'D:\a\_tasks\Pester_31ef0033-64e3-4c55-b888-f446541474a6\6.0.9\4.0.8\Pester.psd1'.
Loading module from path 'D:\a\_tasks\Pester_31ef0033-64e3-4c55-b888-f446541474a6\6.0.9\4.0.8\Pester.psm1'.
Processed: ##vso[task.setprogress value=-1;]
Loading module from path 'D:\a\_tasks\Pester_31ef0033-64e3-4c55-b888-f446541474a6\6.0.9\4.0.8\lib\Gherkin.dll'.
namespace Pester
using System;
using System.Management.Automation;
public static class ClosingBraceFinder
public static int GetClosingBraceIndex(PSToken[] tokens, int startIndex)
int groupLevel = 1;
int len = tokens.Length;
for (int i = startIndex + 1; i < len; i++)
PSTokenType type = tokens[i].Type;
if (type == PSTokenType.GroupStart)
else if (type == PSTokenType.GroupEnd)
if (groupLevel <= 0) { return i; }
return -1;
using System;
namespace Pester
public enum OutputTypes
None = 0,
Default = 1,
Passed = 2,
Failed = 4,
Pending = 8,
Skipped = 16,
Inconclusive = 32,
Describe = 64,
Context = 128,
Summary = 256,
Header = 512,
All = Default | Passed | Failed | Pending | Skipped | Inconclusive | Describe | Context | Summary | Header,
Fails = Default | Failed | Pending | Skipped | Inconclusive | Describe | Context | Summary | Header
Exporting function 'Context'.
Exporting function 'Describe'.
Exporting function 'In'.
Exporting function 'It'.
Exporting function 'Mock'.
Exporting function 'Assert-VerifiableMock'.
Exporting function 'Assert-MockCalled'.
Exporting function 'Set-TestInconclusive'.
Exporting function 'Assert-VerifiableMocks'.
Exporting function 'InModuleScope'.
Exporting function 'Invoke-Mock'.
Exporting function 'New-Fixture'.
Exporting function 'Get-TestDriveItem'.
Exporting function 'Setup'.
Exporting function 'Should'.
Exporting function 'Invoke-Pester'.
Exporting function 'BeforeEach'.
Exporting function 'AfterEach'.
Exporting function 'BeforeAll'.
Exporting function 'AfterAll'.
Exporting function 'Set-DynamicParameterVariable'.
Exporting function 'Get-MockDynamicParameter'.
Exporting function 'New-PesterOption'.
Exporting function 'SafeGetCommand'.
Exporting function 'Invoke-Gherkin'.
Exporting function 'Find-GherkinStep'.
Exporting function 'Invoke-GherkinStep'.
Exporting function 'BeforeEachFeature'.
Exporting function 'AfterEachFeature'.
Exporting function 'BeforeEachScenario'.
Exporting function 'AfterEachScenario'.
Exporting function 'GherkinStep'.
Exporting alias 'Given'.
Exporting alias 'When'.
Exporting alias 'Then'.
Exporting alias 'And'.
Exporting alias 'But'.
Exporting function 'Add-AssertionOperator'.
Exporting function 'New-MockObject'.
Importing function 'Add-AssertionOperator'.
Importing function 'AfterAll'.
Importing function 'AfterEach'.
Importing function 'AfterEachFeature'.
Importing function 'AfterEachScenario'.
Importing function 'Assert-MockCalled'.
Importing function 'Assert-VerifiableMock'.
Importing function 'Assert-VerifiableMocks'.
Importing function 'BeforeAll'.
Importing function 'BeforeEach'.
Importing function 'BeforeEachFeature'.
Importing function 'BeforeEachScenario'.
Importing function 'Context'.
Importing function 'Describe'.
Importing function 'Find-GherkinStep'.
Importing function 'Get-MockDynamicParameter'.
Importing function 'Get-TestDriveItem'.
Importing function 'GherkinStep'.
Importing function 'In'.
Importing function 'InModuleScope'.
Importing function 'Invoke-Gherkin'.
Importing function 'Invoke-GherkinStep'.
Importing function 'Invoke-Mock'.
Importing function 'Invoke-Pester'.
Importing function 'It'.
Importing function 'Mock'.
Importing function 'New-Fixture'.
Importing function 'New-MockObject'.
Importing function 'New-PesterOption'.
Importing function 'SafeGetCommand'.
Importing function 'Set-DynamicParameterVariable'.
Importing function 'Set-TestInconclusive'.
Importing function 'Setup'.
Importing function 'Should'.
Importing alias 'And'.
Importing alias 'But'.
Importing alias 'Given'.
Importing alias 'Then'.
Importing alias 'When'.
Running Pester from [d:\a\1\s\Tasks\XXXXTWStaging\Tests\] output sent to [d:\a\1\s\Test-Pester.XML]
Exporting function 'EnterTestGroup'.
Exporting function 'LeaveTestGroup'.
Exporting function 'AddTestResult'.
Exporting function 'AddSetupOrTeardownBlock'.
Exporting function 'GetTestCaseSetupBlocks'.
Exporting function 'GetTestCaseTeardownBlocks'.
Exporting function 'GetCurrentTestGroupSetupBlocks'.
Exporting function 'GetCurrentTestGroupTeardownBlocks'.
Exporting function 'EnterTest'.
Exporting function 'LeaveTest'.
Exporting variable 'Strict'.
Exporting variable 'Show'.
Exporting variable 'TagFilter'.
Exporting variable 'ExcludeTagFilter'.
Exporting variable 'TestNameFilter'.
Exporting variable 'SessionState'.
Exporting variable 'CommandCoverage'.
Exporting variable 'InTest'.
Exporting variable 'TestResult'.
Exporting variable 'TotalCount'.
Exporting variable 'Time'.
Exporting variable 'PassedCount'.
Exporting variable 'FailedCount'.
Exporting variable 'SkippedCount'.
Exporting variable 'PendingCount'.
Exporting variable 'InconclusiveCount'.
Exporting variable 'IncludeVSCodeMarker'.
Exporting variable 'TestSuiteName'.
Exporting variable 'TestActions'.
Exporting variable 'TestGroupStack'.
Executing all tests in 'd:\a\1\s\Tasks\XXXXTWStaging\Tests\'
Executing script D:\a\1\s\Tasks\XXXXTWStaging\Tests\L0ValidateDestinationPath.tests.ps1
Importing module: TestHelpersModule
Stubbing command: Import-Module
Setting copyFilesToMachinesPath
Asserting script block should throw: {
Validate-DestinationPath -value "" -environmentName $validEnvironmentName
Success. Matched exception message. Pattern: WFC_ParameterCannotBeNullorEmpty targetPath ; Message: WFC_ParameterCannotBeNullorEmpty targetPath
Asserting script block should throw: {
Validate-DestinationPath -value $invalidTargetPath -environmentName $validEnvironmentName
Success. Matched exception message. Pattern: WFC_RemoteDestinationPathCannotContainEnvironmentVariables $env:abc\123 ; Message: WFC_RemoteDestinationPathCannotContainEnvironmentVariables $env:abc\123
Executing script D:\a\1\s\Tasks\XXXXTWStaging\Tests\L0ValidateSourcePath.tests.ps1
Importing module: TestHelpersModule
Invoking mock command: Import-Module
Arguments: D:\a\1\s\Tasks\XXXXTWStaging\Tests\lib/TestHelpersModule -Verbose: False
Command is stubbed.
Stubbing command: Import-Module
Mocking command: Test-Path
ParametersEvaluator: { $LiteralPath -eq $invalidSourcePath }
Func: { return $false }
Asserting script block should throw: {
Validate-SourcePath -value ""
Success. Matched exception message. Pattern: WFC_ParameterCannotBeNullorEmpty sourcePath ; Message: WFC_ParameterCannotBeNullorEmpty sourcePath
Asserting script block should throw: {
Validate-SourcePath -value "$invalidSourcePath"
Invoking mock command: Test-Path
Arguments: -LiteralPath Invalid
Matching implementation found using parameters evaluator: { $LiteralPath -eq $invalidSourcePath }
Invoking Func: { return $false }
Success. Matched exception message. Pattern: WFC_SourcePathDoesNotExist Invalid ; Message: WFC_SourcePathDoesNotExist Invalid
Executing script D:\a\1\s\Tasks\XXXXTWStaging\Tests\L0ValidInputSequentialCopy.tests.ps1
Importing module: TestHelpersModule
Invoking mock command: Import-Module
Arguments: D:\a\1\s\Tasks\XXXXTWStaging\Tests\lib/TestHelpersModule -Verbose: False
Command is stubbed.
Stubbing command: Import-Module
Setting copyFilesToMachinesPath
Mocking command: Test-Path
ParametersEvaluator: { $LiteralPath -eq $validSourcePackage }
Func: { return $true }
Mocking command: Test-Path
ParametersEvaluator: { $LiteralPath -eq $invalidSourcePath }
Func: { return $false }
Mocking command: Invoke-Command
Func: { }
Mocking command: ConvertTo-SecureString
Func: { return $password }
Mocking command: Get-VstsInput
ParametersEvaluator: { $Name -eq "SourcePath" }
Func: { return $validSourcePackage }
Mocking command: Get-VstsInput
ParametersEvaluator: { $Name -eq "TargetPath" }
Func: { return $validApplicationPath }
Mocking command: Get-VstsInput
ParametersEvaluator: { $Name -eq "CleanTargetBeforeCopy" }
Func: { return $true }
Mocking command: Get-VstsInput
ParametersEvaluator: { $Name -eq "TechWintelDeployService" }
Func: { return "TechWintelDeployService" }
Mocking command: Get-VstsEndpoint
ParametersEvaluator: { $Name -eq "TechWintelDeployService" }
Func: { return $myVar }
Entering D:\a\1\s\Tasks\XXXXTWStaging\WindowsMachineFileCopy.ps1.
Invoking mock command: Get-VstsInput
Arguments: -Name TechWintelDeployService -Require
Matching implementation found using parameters evaluator: { $Name -eq "TechWintelDeployService" }
Invoking Func: { return "TechWintelDeployService" }
Invoking mock command: Get-VstsEndpoint
Arguments: -Name TechWintelDeployService -Require
Matching implementation found using parameters evaluator: { $Name -eq "TechWintelDeployService" }
Invoking Func: { return $myVar }
Invoking mock command: Get-VstsInput
Arguments: -Name SourcePath -Require
Matching implementation found using parameters evaluator: { $Name -eq "SourcePath" }
Invoking Func: { return $validSourcePackage }
Invoking mock command: Get-VstsInput
Arguments: -Name TargetPath -Require
Matching implementation found using parameters evaluator: { $Name -eq "TargetPath" }
Invoking Func: { return $validApplicationPath }
Invoking mock command: Get-VstsInput
Arguments: -Name AdditionalArguments
Command is stubbed.
Invoking mock command: Get-VstsInput
Arguments: -Name CleanTargetBeforeCopy
Matching implementation found using parameters evaluator: { $Name -eq "CleanTargetBeforeCopy" }
Invoking Func: { return $true }
Importing VSTSLocStrings
Invoking mock command: Test-Path
Arguments: -LiteralPath C:\Windows\Test
Matching implementation found using parameters evaluator: { $LiteralPath -eq $validSourcePackage }
Invoking Func: { return $true }
Invoking mock command: ConvertTo-SecureString
Arguments: Password -AsPlainText -Force
Invoking Func: { return $password }
Invoking mock command: Invoke-Command
Arguments: -ScriptBlock
param (
Import-Module "$scriptRoot\..\ps_modules\VstsTaskSdk"
Import-VstsLocStrings -LiteralPath $scriptRoot/Task.json
Write-Verbose "Entering script RobocopyJob.ps1"
Write-Verbose "fqdn = $fqdn"
Write-Verbose "sourcePath = $sourcePath"
Write-Verbose "targetPath = $targetPath"
Write-Verbose "credential = $credential"
Write-Verbose "cleanTargetBeforeCopy = $cleanTargetBeforeCopy"
Write-Verbose "additionalArguments = $additionalArguments"
$sourcePath = $sourcePath.Trim().TrimEnd('\', '/')
$targetPath = $targetPath.Trim().TrimEnd('\', '/')
$isFileCopy = Test-Path -Path $sourcePath -PathType Leaf
$doCleanUp = $cleanTargetBeforeCopy -eq "true"
$sourceDirectory = $sourcePath
$filesToCopy = ""
$sourceDirectory = Split-Path $sourcePath
$filesToCopy = Split-Path $sourcePath -Leaf
function ThrowError
$failMessage = (Get-VstsLocString -Key "WFC_CopyingFailedForResource" -ArgumentList $fqdn)
throw "$failMessage`n$errorMessage"
function Validate-Null(
$value = $value.Trim()
if(-not $value)
ThrowError -errorMessage (Get-VstsLocString -Key "WFC_ParameterCannotBeNullorEmpty" -ArgumentList $variableName)
function Validate-Credential(
Validate-Null $credential.UserName "Username"
Validate-Null $credential.Password "Password"
ThrowError -errorMessage (Get-VstsLocString -Key "WFC_ParameterCannotBeNullorEmpty" -ArgumentList "credential")
function Get-DownLevelLogonName(
if($userName -like '.\*') {
$userName = $userName.replace(".\","\")
$userName = $fqdn+$userName
return $userName
function Replace-First(
$pos = $text.IndexOf($search);
if ($pos -le 0)
return $text;
return $text.Substring(0, $pos) + $replace + $text.Substring($pos + $search.Length);
function Get-DestinationNetworkPath(
if(-not $machineShare)
return $targetPath
$targetSpecificPath = Replace-First $targetPath ":" '$'
return [io.path]::Combine($machineShare, $targetSpecificPath)
function Get-RoboCopyParameters(
$robocopyParameters = "/COPY:DAT"
if(-not $fileCopy.IsPresent)
$robocopyParameters += " /MIR"
$robocopyParameters += " /E"
if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($additionalArguments))
$robocopyParameters += " $additionalArguments"
return $robocopyParameters.Trim()
function Get-MachineShare(
return $targetPath
return [IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar + [IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar + $fqdn
return ""
function Get-NetExeCommand
$netExePath = Join-Path -path (get-item env:\windir).value -ChildPath system32\net.exe
if(Test-Path $netExePath)
Write-Verbose "Found the net exe path $netExePath. Net command will be $netExePath"
return $netExePath
Write-Verbose "Unable to get the path for net.exe. Net command will be 'net'"
return 'net'
$machineShare = Get-MachineShare -fqdn $fqdn -targetPath $targetPath
$destinationNetworkPath = Get-DestinationNetworkPath -targetPath $targetPath -machineShare $machineShare
Validate-Credential $credential
$userName = Get-DownLevelLogonName -fqdn $fqdn -userName $($credential.UserName)
$password = $($credential.Password)
$netExeCommand = Get-NetExeCommand
$command = "$netExeCommand use `"$machineShare`""
$command += " /user:`'$userName`' `'$($password -replace "['`]", '$&$&')`'"
$command += " 2>&1"
$dtl_mapOut = iex $command
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)
$errorMessage = (Get-VstsLocString -Key "WFC_FailedToConnectToPathWithUser" -ArgumentList $machineShare, $($credential.UserName)) + $dtl_mapOut
ThrowError -errorMessage $errorMessage -fqdn $fqdn
if($isFileCopy -and $doCleanUp -and (Test-Path -path $destinationNetworkPath -pathtype container))
Get-ChildItem -Path $destinationNetworkPath -Recurse -force | Remove-Item -force -recurse;
$output = Remove-Item -path $destinationNetworkPath -force -recurse 2>&1
$err = $output | ?{$_.gettype().Name -eq "ErrorRecord"}
Write-Verbose -Verbose "Error occurred while deleting the destination folder: $err"
$robocopyParameters = Get-RoboCopyParameters -additionalArguments $additionalArguments -fileCopy:$isFileCopy -clean:$doCleanUp
$command = "robocopy `"$sourceDirectory`" `"$destinationNetworkPath`" `"$filesToCopy`" $robocopyParameters"
Invoke-Expression $command
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ge 8)
$errorMessage = Get-VstsLocString -Key "WFC_CopyingFailedConsultRobocopyLogsForMoreDetails"
ThrowError -errorMessage $errorMessage -fqdn $fqdn
$message = (Get-VstsLocString -Key "WFC_CopyingRecurivelyFrom0to1MachineSucceed" -ArgumentList $sourcePath, $targetPath, $fqdn)
Write-Output $message
$dtl_deleteMap = iex "$netExeCommand use `"$machineShare`" /D /Y";
-ArgumentList System.Object[]
Invoking Func: { }
Leaving D:\a\1\s\Tasks\XXXXTWStaging\WindowsMachineFileCopy.ps1.
Asserting was-called: Invoke-Command
Expected times: 1
Actual times: 1
Executing script D:\a\1\s\Tasks\XXXXTWStaging\Tests\MyFailTest.tests.ps1
Describing MyFailTest
Invoking mock command: Test-Path
Arguments: TestDrive:\
Command is stubbed.
Asserting script block should throw: {
throw "I do nothing interesting."
[-] Error occurred in Describe block
RuntimeException: Actual exception message does not match expected pattern. Expected: Not that message because I want a failure ; Actual: I do nothing interesting.
at Assert-Throws, D:\a\1\s\Tasks\XXXXTWStaging\Tests\lib\TestHelpersModule\PublicFunctions.ps1: line 67
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\1\s\Tasks\XXXXTWStaging\Tests\MyFailTest.tests.ps1: line 5
at DescribeImpl, D:\a\_tasks\Pester_31ef0033-64e3-4c55-b888-f446541474a6\6.0.9\4.0.8\Functions\Describe.ps1: line 161
Describing MyPassTest
Invoking mock command: Test-Path
Arguments: TestDrive:\
Command is stubbed.
Asserting script block should throw: {
throw "I will pass"
Success. Matched exception message. Pattern: I will pass ; Message: I will pass
Tests completed in 778ms
Tests Passed: 0,
Failed: 1,
Skipped: 0,
Pending: 0,
Inconclusive: 0
Perform operation 'Enumerate CimInstances' with following parameters, ''namespaceName' = root\cimv2,'className' = Win32_OperatingSystem'.
Operation 'Enumerate CimInstances' complete.
##[error]Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException: Pester returned errors
Processed: ##vso[task.logissue type=error;]Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException: Pester returned errors
##[error]PowerShell script completed with 1 errors.
##[section]Finishing: Pester Test Runner
Evaluating condition for step: 'Publish Test Results Test-Pester.XML'
Evaluating: succeededOrFailed()
Evaluating succeededOrFailed:
=> (Boolean) True
Expanded: True
Result: True
##[section]Starting: Publish Test Results Test-Pester.XML
Task : Publish Test Results
Description : Publish Test Results to VSTS/TFS
Version : 2.0.1
Author : Microsoft Corporation
Help : [More Information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613742)
loading inputs and endpoints
loaded 8
testRunner: NUnit
testResultsFiles: Test-Pester.XML
mergeResults: true
platform: null
config: null
testRunTitle: null
publishRunAttachments: true
defaultRoot: 'd:\a\1\s'
findOptions.followSpecifiedSymbolicLink: 'true'
findOptions.followSymbolicLinks: 'true'
matchOptions.debug: 'false'
matchOptions.nobrace: 'true'
matchOptions.noglobstar: 'false'
matchOptions.dot: 'true'
matchOptions.noext: 'false'
matchOptions.nocase: 'true'
matchOptions.nonull: 'false'
matchOptions.matchBase: 'false'
matchOptions.nocomment: 'false'
matchOptions.nonegate: 'false'
matchOptions.flipNegate: 'false'
pattern: 'Test-Pester.XML'
findPath: 'd:\a\1\s\Test-Pester.XML'
statOnly: 'true'
found 1 paths
applying include pattern
adjustedPattern: 'd:\a\1\s\Test-Pester.XML'
1 matches
1 final results
Reading test results from file 'd:\a\1\s\Test-Pester.XML'
Processed: ##vso[results.publish type=NUnit;mergeResults=true;publishRunAttachments=true;resultFiles=d:\a\1\s\Test-Pester.XML;]
task result: Succeeded
Processed: ##vso[task.complete result=Succeeded;]
##[section]Async Command Start: Publish test results
Publishing test results to test run '17948'
Test results remaining: 1. Test run id: 17948
Published Test Run : https://XXXX.visualstudio.com/DevOps/_TestManagement/Runs#runId=17948&_a=runCharts
##[section]Async Command End: Publish test results
##[section]Finishing: Publish Test Results Test-Pester.XML
答案 0 :(得分:0)
根据同事的建议,我尝试在测试中添加“ It”块。这似乎有效。我不会将此标记为答案,因为我没有看到它在我正在处理的示例中阻塞。我的代码现在看起来像:
Describe MyFailTest{
It "This will fail, the patterns don't match"{
Assert-Throws {
throw "I do nothing interesting."
} -MessagePattern "Not that message because I want a failure"
Describe MyPassTest{
It "This will pass, the patterns do match"{
Assert-Throws {
throw "I will pass"
} -MessagePattern "I will pass"