
时间:2017-11-20 15:58:48

标签: blockchain ethereum ether



  1. 转到Etherium。
  2. 创建100M硬币
  3. 打电话给他们" Sam Coin"
  4. 比制作" Pre ICO"
  5. 你推销自己的想法。
  6. 你可以把钱发给那些寄钱给你的人,因为他们正在投资你的想法......
  7. 现在#6,我已经读过你可以手动/直接发布它们,你也可以自动化这个过程,但大多数icos都是从一个"#34;开始的。会手动完成,这样他们就可以将大部分时间花在营销上,而不是花在实际代码上。



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

如果您在以太坊上创建和发行自己的硬币,那么它们是通过// Variable Declarations int SIZE = 10; // Max number of agents char *agents[SIZE], // List of current connections *times[SIZE]; // List of connection times char buffer[MAXBUF]; int bytes_read = 0; int total_bytes_read = 0; int found = 0, // Bool flag i; struct tm ts; struct timeval connected[SIZE], current, difference; time_t TIME; // Initialize array to NULL for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) { agents[i] = NULL; } // Infinite Loop while (true) { struct sockaddr_in client; int clientSocket; socklen_t clientLength = sizeof(client); memset(&client, 0, clientLength); clientSocket = accept(sd, (struct sockaddr *)&client, &clientLength); memset(buffer,0,MAXBUF); bytes_read = read(clientSocket, buffer, MAXBUF); if (bytes_read < 0) break; fprintf(stdout,"\nRead %d bytes: [%s]\r\n", bytes_read,buffer); char *connectedIP = inet_ntoa(client.sin_addr); // Option 1: if ((strcmp(buffer, "#JOIN")) == 0) { // Join list of connected agents found = 0; // Get current time for log TIME = time(NULL); ts = *localtime(&TIME); // Print message to log char buf[80]; strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z", &ts); fprintf(log, "%s: Received a \"#JOIN\" action from agent \"%s\"", buf, connectedIP); fprintf(log, "\n\n"); fflush(log); printf("\n%s Joining", connectedIP); fflush(stdout); // Handle #JOIN request appropriately for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) { printf("\nAgent[%d] == %s", i, agents[i]); if (agents[i] == NULL) { } else if (strcmp(agents[i], connectedIP) == 0){ // Agent found in list found = 1; printf("\n%s is equal to %s", agents[i], connectedIP); fflush(stdout); // Write to agent char response[] = "#ALREADY MEMBER"; write (clientSocket, response, strlen(response)); // Get time for log TIME = time(NULL); ts = *localtime(&TIME); // Write to log char buf[80]; strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z", &ts); fprintf(log, "%s: Responded to agent \"%s\" with \"#ALREADY MEMBER\"", buf, connectedIP); fprintf(log, "\n\n"); fflush(log); i = SIZE; } } if (found == 0) { // Save IP to list/queue for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) { if (agents[i] == NULL) { // Save IP to array agents[i] = connectedIP; printf("\nagents[%d] = %s\n", i, connectedIP); fflush(stdout); // Save time to arrays gettimeofday(&connected[i], NULL); TIME = time(NULL); times[i] = TIME; ts = *localtime(&TIME); // Write to log char buf[80]; strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z", &ts); fprintf(log, "%s: Responded to agent \"%s\" with \"#OK\"", buf, connectedIP); fprintf(log, "\n\n"); fflush(log); // Write to agent char response[] = "#OK"; write (clientSocket, response, strlen(response)); i = SIZE; } } } memset(&client, 0, clientLength); } 完成的,而不是手动发出的。以下是创建新令牌的智能合约示例:https://www.ethereum.org/token


  1. 您编写智能合约并进行部署
  2. 您的投资者在ICO期间将Ether发送给智能合约
  3. 智能合约通过您编写的代码自动将令牌发送给他们
  4. 您是否要为ICO创建新钱包或使用现有钱包取决于您,您绝对需要开发人员,因为您需要为智能合约编写代码。