
时间:2017-11-17 12:28:21

标签: functional-programming implementation fold foldleft


function foldr0(list, func) {
  if (list.length == 0) {
    return 0;
  } else {
    return func(list[0], foldr0(list.slice(1), func));

function foldl0(list, func) {
  if (list.length == 0) {
    return 0;
  } else {
    return ?

我知道通过定义辅助方法foldl0并将结果存储为参数,可以很容易地通过迭代逻辑实现递归iter(list, func, part_result)。但是如何在没有辅助方法的情况下实现foldl0就像foldr0的实现一样?


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


const foldr = ( f , acc , xs ) =>
  isEmpty (xs)
    ? acc
    : f ( foldr ( f , acc , tail ( xs ) )
        , head ( xs )

const foldl = ( f , acc , xs ) =>
  isEmpty (xs)
    ? acc
    : foldl ( f
            , f ( acc , head ( xs ) )
            , tail ( xs )

让我们现在仔细看看这个过程 - 在foldr中,您可以看到acc0)如何在任何f之前一直传递到调用堆栈中永远计算

// example call
foldr ( f , 0 , [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] )

// notice we can't run f yet, still waiting for foldr
f ( foldr ( f , 0 , [ 2 , 3 ] )
  , 1

// now 2 f calls pending; still waiting on foldr
f ( f ( foldr ( f , 0 , [ 3 ] )
      , 2
  , 1

// now 3 f calls pending, still waiting on foldr
f ( f ( f ( foldr ( f , 0 , [] )
          , 3
      , 2
  , 1

// now we can compute the inner most f, working our way out
f ( f ( f ( 0
          , 3
      , 2
  , 1

// in other words, foldr traverses your input and creates a stack of f calls
f ( f ( f ( 0 , 3 ) , 2 ) , 1 )

foldl的调用堆栈有很大不同 - 请注意如何立即使用acc

// pretend f = ( x , y ) => x + y
foldl ( f 
      , 0
      , [ 1 , 2 , 3 ]

// this time f is called first, and the result becomes the next acc
foldl ( f
      , f ( 0 , 1 ) // next acc = 1
      , [ 2 , 3 ]

// f is always computed before recurring
foldl ( f
      , f ( 1 , 2 ) // next acc = 3
      , [ 3 ]

// notice how foldl stays nice and flat (foldl uses a tail call, foldr doesn't)
foldl ( f
      , f ( 3 , 3 ) // next acc = 6
      , []

// when the input is empty, the acc is just returned
foldl ( f
      , 6
      , [] // empty input

// result


foldr中,您可以看到acc如何立即一直传递到调用堆栈中 - 因此您可以有效地删除acc参数并将acc替换为{ {1}}并且有0 - 这正是你所拥有的


然而,const foldr0 = ( f , xs ) => isEmpty (xs) ? 0 : f ( foldr0 ( f , tail ( xs ) ) , head ( xs ) ) 不是这种情况 - 在每个步骤中计算 new acc,并且需要计算 next 步骤,因此我们可以不要像我们使用foldl那样删除参数并替换为0。相反,最简单(最智能)的实现变为





const foldl0 = ( f , xs ) => 
  foldl ( f , 0 , xs )

const foldr0 = ( f , xs ) =>
  foldr ( f , 0 , xs )

答案 1 :(得分:0)

使用与foldr0完全相同的方法,但拆分数组to the other side

function foldl0(list, func) {
  if (list.length == 0) {
    return 0;
  } else {
    return func(list[list.length-1], foldr0(list.slice(0, -1), func));
//                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^                     ^^^^^
//                       last                       without last

当然,如果你的foldl / foldr函数带有初始累加器值的参数,这将会容易得多。

答案 2 :(得分:0)


var foldl0 = ([x0,x1,...xs],f) => xs.length ? foldl0([f(x0,x1)].concat(xs),f)
                                            : f(x0,x1);

console.log(foldl0([1,2,3,4], (x,y) => x + y));