如何通过Windows 10中的批处理脚本获取特定适配器的ipv4地址

时间:2017-11-14 05:33:15

标签: windows batch-file

我正在尝试获取特定适配器的ipv4地址(比如以太网适配器Local Area Connection * 14)是否有任何命令或脚本在Windows 10中执行此操作。如果有人已经在过去做过感谢分享它。

输入 - 适配器名称

输出 - 仅适配器的IP地址

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



@echo off
for /f "tokens=3 delims=: " %%I in ('netsh interface IPv4 show addresses "Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection" ^| findstr /C:"IP Address"') do echo %%I


for /f "tokens=3 delims=: " %I in ('netsh interface IPv4 show addresses "Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection" ^| findstr /C:"IP Address"') do echo %I

答案 1 :(得分:0)


  1. 专用LAN IP(ipv4)

  2. 外部公共知识产权

  3. MAC地址

  4. @echo off
    Title Get (LAN ,Public) (IP) and MAC Addresses by Hackoo 2017
    mode con cols=80 lines=5 & Color 9E
    echo( & echo(
    echo   Please Wait a While ... Searching for (LAN ,Public)(IP) and MAC addresses ...
    Set "LogFile=%~dpn0.txt"
    @for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%a in ('ping -4 -n 1 %ComputerName% ^| findstr [') do (
        set "LAN_IP=%%a"
    for /f "tokens=2 delims=: " %%A in (
      'nslookup myip.opendns.com. resolver1.opendns.com 2^>NUL^|find "Address:"'
    ) Do set ExtIP=%%A
    @For /f %%a in ('getmac /NH /FO Table') do  (
        @For /f %%b in ('echo %%a') do (
            If /I NOT "%%b"=="N/A" (
                Set "MY_MAC=%%b"
        echo                My Private LAN IP       : %LAN_IP%
        echo                My External Public IP   : %ExtIP%
        echo                MAC Addres              : %MY_MAC%
        echo My Private LAN IP      : %LAN_IP%
        echo My External Public IP  : %ExtIP%
        echo MAC Address            : %MY_MAC%
    Timeout /T 5 /NoBreak>nul
    Start "" "%LogFile%"