
时间:2017-11-12 14:31:07

标签: ios multithreading



class APICaller{

    weak var delegate:APIDelegate?

    func getCharacter(x:Int){
        let character = CharacterModel()
        let url = URL(string: "https://swapi.co/api/people/\(x)/")
        let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url!) { (data, response, error) in
            if error != nil{
                print("Error downloading character information. Empty character returned.")
            } else {
                if let content = data {

                        let charJSON = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: content, options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions.mutableContainers) as? [String: Any]
                        character.name = (charJSON?["name"] as? String)?.description ?? ""
                        character.height = Int((charJSON?["height"] as? String)?.description ?? "0") ?? 0
                        character.mass = Int((charJSON?["mass"] as? String)?.description ?? "0") ?? 0
                        character.hairColor = (charJSON?["hair_color"] as? String)?.description ?? ""
                        character.skinColor = (charJSON?["skin_color"] as? String)?.description ?? ""
                        character.eyeColor = (charJSON?["eye_color"] as? String)?.description ?? ""
                        character.birthYear = (charJSON?["birth_year"] as? String)?.description ?? ""
                        character.gender = (charJSON?["gender"] as? String)?.description ?? ""
                        character.homeWorld = self.getPlanet(uri: (charJSON?["homeworld"] as? String)?.description ?? "")
//The homeward part of the response is another URL and as such requires another API Call to get anything meaningful
                            DispatchQueue.main.async {
                            print("Error downloading character information. Empty or incomplete character returned")
    private func getPlanet(uri:String)->String{
        if uri == ""{
            return uri // return empty string if the original call doesn't get anything.
        var result = ""
        let url = URL(string:uri)
        let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url!){(data,response,error)->Void in
            if error != nil{
                result = "No Planet Found"
                if let planet = data{
                        let planetJSON = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: planet, options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions.mutableContainers) as? [String:Any]
                        //print(planetJSON?["name"] as? String ?? "No Planet")
                        result = (planetJSON?["name"] as? String)?.description ?? "No Planet Found"
                        result = "No Planet Found"
        }// end of task, result is lost due to multithreading
        return result




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

getPlanet正在执行异步调用。 result实例不会保留接收的数据。而不是使用getPlanet中的完成块并在接收数据时调用此完成块。像这样的东西。请阅读closures

class APICaller{

    weak var delegate:APIDelegate?

    func getCharacter(x:Int){
        let character = CharacterModel()
        let url = URL(string: "https://swapi.co/api/people/\(x)/")
        let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url!) { (data, response, error) in
            if error != nil{
                print("Error downloading character information. Empty character returned.")
            } else {
                if let content = data {

                        let charJSON = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: content, options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions.mutableContainers) as? [String: Any]
                        character.name = (charJSON?["name"] as? String)?.description ?? ""
                        character.height = Int((charJSON?["height"] as? String)?.description ?? "0") ?? 0
                        character.mass = Int((charJSON?["mass"] as? String)?.description ?? "0") ?? 0
                        character.hairColor = (charJSON?["hair_color"] as? String)?.description ?? ""
                        character.skinColor = (charJSON?["skin_color"] as? String)?.description ?? ""
                        character.eyeColor = (charJSON?["eye_color"] as? String)?.description ?? ""
                        character.birthYear = (charJSON?["birth_year"] as? String)?.description ?? ""
                        character.gender = (charJSON?["gender"] as? String)?.description ?? ""
                        self.getPlanet(uri: (charJSON?["homeworld"] as? String)?.description ?? "", completion:
                            { (result:String) in
                                character.homeWorld = result
                                DispatchQueue.main.async {
                        //The homeward part of the response is another URL and as such requires another API Call to get anything meaningful

                        print("Error downloading character information. Empty or incomplete character returned")
    private func getPlanet(uri:String, completion:@escaping (_ response:String)->Void){
        if uri == ""{
            completion(uri) // return empty string if the original call doesn't get anything.
        var result = ""
        let url = URL(string:uri)
        let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url!){(data,response,error)->Void in
            if error != nil{
                result = "No Planet Found"
                if let planet = data{
                        let planetJSON = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: planet, options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions.mutableContainers) as? [String:Any]
                        //print(planetJSON?["name"] as? String ?? "No Planet")
                        result = (planetJSON?["name"] as? String)?.description ?? "No Planet Found"
                        result = "No Planet Found"
        }// end of task, result is lost due to multithreading