
时间:2017-11-11 23:30:39

标签: c

我遇到问题的函数是我在下面创建的函数DynamicString。 该函数用于创建可变大小的字符串。



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


其次,如果读取的第一个字符恰好是换行符,则永远不会执行循环。在free(*txt); *txt指向tmp NULL之后,您无法使用printf("\nThe entered string is : %s",*txt);,因为您正在取消引用NULL指针, c。




#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    int initalSize = 10;
    int increasedSize = 20;

     *  Because temp type is char, I left sizeof operator out. you can always write like
     *  char *sentence = malloc(initialSize * sizeof(*sentence)); or
     *  char *sentence = malloc(initialSize * sizeof(char));
    char *sentence = malloc(initalSize);
    char *temp = NULL;

     * Malloc can return a NULL pointer. You need to check sentence value before using it
     * elswhere in the code.
    if (!sentence) {
      printf("Memory allocation failed for sentence\n");

    // Some code here...

     * Realloc can also return a NULL pointer. Need to use a temporary
     * pointer. In case realloc really returns NULL, and you don't use a temporary pointer and
     * use it like "sentence = realloc(sentence, increasedSize);", you will have a memory leak
     * because now sentence = NULL and you don't have a pointer that points to the old memory.
    temp = realloc(sentence, increasedSize);

    // Also need to check temporary pointer value.
    if (!temp) {
      printf("Allocating more memory to sentence failed\n");

      // One of the possible solutions. You can always use the value that you already have in sentence;

     * If everything was ok, you make sentence point to the same address in memory as temp was pointing.
     * What it means is that you give ownership of the memory temp points to the sentence.
    sentence = temp;

    // Some code here...

    // No need for sentence anymore

     * It is always recomended to make unused pointers that you don't use anymore or if you have
     * freed them to point to NULL;
     * It makes sure that those pointers no longer point to the previous memory addresses. Remember that
     * free only frees the memory where sentence and temp pointed to.
     * If you don't make them point to NULL, then sentence and temp would be called a dangling pointer.
    sentence = NULL;
    temp = NULL;

    // Some code here...

    return 0;


此外,要阅读stdin中的字符,我会使用getchar()。它更简单,更快捷。 Stack Overflow中的一小部分信息回答here
