我正在实现一个m-ary树,其中一个MTreeNode有一个AnyType元素,一个确定它的最大子节点的int m,以及一个嵌套的ArrayList作为它的子节点的链接。当我通过新的MTreeNode构造函数传递MTreeNode的ArrayList时,所述ArrayList内的MTreeNodes也将其ArrayList更改为它们所属的ArrayList。
public class MTreeNode<AnyType>{
private static class ArrayList<AnyType>{
private AnyType[] array;
private static final int size = 5;
private int index;
private int actSize;
public ArrayList(){
AnyType[] newArray = (AnyType[]) new Object[size];
this.array = newArray;
this.actSize = size;
public AnyType get(int temp){
if(temp > this.index-1){
return null;
if(this.array[temp] == null)
return null;
if(temp < 0) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Index is negative!");
return this.array[temp];
public void add(AnyType obj){
if(this.index == this.actSize-1) doubleSize();
array[this.index] = obj;
// *** MTreeNode begins
private AnyType element;
private int m;
private static ArrayList<MTreeNode> children;
public MTreeNode(AnyType element, int m, ArrayList<MTreeNode> c){
this.element = element;
this.m = m;
this.children = c;
public MTreeNode(AnyType el, int m){
this.element = el;
this.m = m;
this.children = new ArrayList<MTreeNode>();
public ArrayList<MTreeNode> getChildren(){
return this.children;
public static void main(String[] args) {
MTreeNode<String> testB = new MTreeNode<String>("B", 2);
System.out.println(testB + ": testB Node");
System.out.println(testB.children.get(0)+ ": testB's 1st child\n");
ArrayList<MTreeNode> array = new ArrayList();
System.out.println(array.get(0) +": array's first element");
System.out.println(testB.getChildren().get(0)+ ": testB's 1st child after being added to array\n");
MTreeNode<String> myRoot = new MTreeNode<String>("A", 2, array);
System.out.println(testB.getChildren().get(0)+ ": testB's 1st child after being set as myRoot's child\n");
ArrayList<MTreeNode> array2 = new ArrayList();
testB.children = array2;
System.out.println(testB + ": testB after testB.children = new ArrayList();");
System.out.println(testB.children.get(0) +": testB's first child after children = new ArrayList()\n");
System.out.println(myRoot +": myRoot Node");
System.out.println(myRoot.children.get(0)+": myRoot's 1st child");
System.out.println(myRoot.children.get(1)+": myRoot's 2nd child\n");
MTreeNode<String> testC = new MTreeNode<String>("C", 2);
testB.children = array2;
System.out.println(testB.children.get(0) +": testB's child after adding a new MTreeNode to testB's children");
System.out.println(myRoot.children.get(0) +": myRoots's child after adding a new MTreeNode to testB's children");
MTreeNode@2cfb4a64: testB Node
null: testB's 1st child
MTreeNode@2cfb4a64: array's first element
null: testB's 1st child after being added to array
MTreeNode@2cfb4a64: testB's 1st child after being set as myRoot's child
MTreeNode@2cfb4a64: testB after testB.children = new ArrayList();
null: testB's first child after children = new ArrayList()
MTreeNode@61a52fbd: myRoot Node
null: myRoot's 1st child
null: myRoot's 2nd child
MTreeNode@233c0b17: testB's child after adding a new MTreeNode to testB's children
MTreeNode@233c0b17: myRoots's child after adding a new MTreeNode to testB's children
如图所示,当我将包含testB的数组传递给新的MTreeNode myRoot时,testB的子ArrayList也成为数组。对这里发生的事情有任何帮助吗?
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