inventory = {
D : 0,
G : 0,
WA : 0,
C : 0,
L : 0,
S : 0,
WO : 0
#placing dirt
if (event.key ==K_1):
#get the tile to swap with the dirt
currentTile = tilemap[playerPos[1]][playerPos[0]]
#if we have dirt in our inventory to place
if inventory[D] > 0:
#remove one dirt and place it on map
inventory[D] -= 1
tilemap[playerPos[1]][playerPos[0]] = D
#pick up tile that was there before
inventory[currentTile] += 1
#placing grass
if (event.key ==K_2):
#get the tile to swap with the grass
currentTile = tilemap[playerPos[1]][playerPos[0]]
#if we have grass in our inventory to place
if inventory[G] > 0:
#remove one grass and place it on map
inventory[G] -= 1
tilemap[playerPos[1]][playerPos[0]] = G
#pick up tile that was there before
inventory[currentTile] += 1
#placing water
if (event.key ==K_3):
#get the tile to swap with the water
currentTile = tilemap[playerPos[1]][playerPos[0]]
#if we have water in our inventory to place
if inventory[WA] > 0:
#remove one water and place it on map
inventory[WA] -= 1
tilemap[playerPos[1]][playerPos[0]] = WA
#pick up tile that was there before
inventory[currentTile] += 1
#placing coal
if (event.key ==K_4):
#get the tile to swap with the coal
currentTile = tilemap[playerPos[1]][playerPos[0]]
#if we have coal in our inventory to place
if inventory[C] > 0:
#remove one coal and place it on map
inventory[C] -= 1
tilemap[playerPos[1]][playerPos[0]] = C
#pick up tile that was there before
inventory[currentTile] += 1
#placing lava
if (event.key ==K_5):
#get the tile to swap with the lava
currentTile = tilemap[playerPos[1]][playerPos[0]]
#if we have lava in our inventory to place
if inventory[L] > 0:
#remove one lava and place it on map
inventory[L] -= 1
tilemap[playerPos[1]][playerPos[0]] = L
#pick up tile that was there before
inventory[currentTile] += 1
#placing stone
if (event.key ==K_6):
#get the tile to swap with the stone
currentTile = tilemap[playerPos[1]][playerPos[0]]
#if we have stone in our inventory to place
if inventory[S] > 0:
#remove one stone and place it on map
inventory[S] -= 1
tilemap[playerPos[1]][playerPos[0]] = S
#pick up tile that was there before
inventory[currentTile] += 1
#placing wood
if (event.key ==K_7):
#get the tile to swap with the wood
currentTile = tilemap[playerPos[1]][playerPos[0]]
#if we have wood in our inventory to place
if inventory[WO] > 0:
#remove one wood and place it on map
inventory[WO] -= 1
tilemap[playerPos[1]][playerPos[0]] = WO
#pick up tile that was there before
inventory[currentTile] += 1
#loop each row
for row in range(MAPHEIGHT):
#loop each column
for column in range(MAPWIDTH):
#draw the resources images in the correct position
DISPLAYSURF.blit(textures[tilemap[row][column]], (column*TILESIZE,row*TILESIZE))
#display the player at the correct position
placePosition = 10
for item in inventory:
placePosition += 30
textobj = INVFONT.render(str(inventory[item]), True, WHITE, BLACK)
DISPLAYSURF.blit(textobj, (placePosition,MAPHEIGHT*TILESIZE+20))
placePosition += 50
#update the display