Perl - “复杂”数据结构

时间:2017-11-09 13:58:33

标签: perl data-structures


sub hopCompare

    my %count;
    my %master;
    my $index = 0;

    foreach my $objPath (@latest)    #get Path object out of master array
            my @path = @{$objPath->_getHopList()}; #dereferencing
            my $iter = 0;
            foreach my $hop (@path)

                    $count{$hop}->{INDEX} = $index;
                    $count{$hop}->{NODE} = $hop;


            $index = 0;
    foreach my $element( keys %count )
            if (defined($count{$element}->{NODE}))
                    my $curr = $count{$element}->{INDEX};
                    my $freq = $count{$element}->{FREQ};
                    if (($freq > 1) || ($count{$element}->{INDEX} =~ /[0-1]/))
                            push @{ $master{$curr} }, {$count{$element}->{NODE}, {FREQ => $count{$element}->{FREQ}}};
                    print "$element = $count{$element}\n";
                    print "$element Index = $count{$element}->{INDEX}\n";
    print "\n Master contains: \n" . Dumper (%master);
    if (%master){return %master;} else {die "NO FINAL HOPS MATCHED";}




$VAR1 = '4';
$VAR2 = [
        '' => {
                              'FREQ' => 2
$VAR3 = '1';
$VAR4 = [
        '' => {
                              'FREQ' => 5
        '' => {
                              'FREQ' => 1


虽然理想情况下结构看起来应该是这样的,但是我试图在sub identifyNode上提取数据的努力更少:

$VAR1 = {
      '1' => [
                 '' => {
                                       'FREQ' => 5
                 '' => {
                                       'FREQ' => 1


 sub identifyNode
    my %hops = %{$_[0]};
    my $i = 0;

    foreach my $h ( keys %hops )                   #The HOP-INDEX is the key
            print "\n\$h looks like \n" . Dumper ($hops{$h});
            my %host = %{ $hops{$h}[0] };           #Push the first HASH in INDEX to the %host HASH
            foreach my $hip (keys %host)
                            my $corelink = `corelinks $hip`;

                            my ($node) = $corelink =~ /([a-z0-9-]+),[a-z0-9-\/]+,$hip/s;
                            print "\n\t\t\tHostname is $node\n";



$h looks like
$VAR1 = [
        '' => {
                              'FREQ' => 2

                    Hostname is blabla-bla-a1

$h looks like
$VAR1 = [
        '' => {
                              'FREQ' => 5
        '' => {
                              'FREQ' => 1

                    Hostname is somew-some-a1

因此,对于$ h中的每个哈希,只会评估最顶层的主机并返回主机名。这是因为它被[0]在行中告知:

my %host = %{ $hops{$h}[0] };



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


sub identifyNode
    my %hops = %{$_[0]};
    my $i = 0;
    my @fin_nodes;
    my $hindex;

    foreach my $h ( keys %hops )                   #The HOP-INDEX is the key
            $hindex = $h;

            foreach my $e (@{$hops{$h}})       #first part of solution credit Zdim
                    my @host = %{ $e };      #second part of solution
                    my $hip = $host[0];
                    my $corelink = `corelinks $hip`;
                    my ($node) = $corelink =~ /([a-z0-9-]+),[a-z0-9-\/]+,$hip/s;
                    print "\n\t\t\tHostname is $node\n";

                    push (@fin_nodes, [$node, $hindex, $e->{$hip}->{FREQ}]);
    return (\@fin_nodes);

我是否足够勇敢地将数据作为哈希添加到@fin_nodes .. hmm