
时间:2017-11-06 19:54:36

标签: python-3.x




#Computer will read each element after the third element, one at a time, and 
#evaluate the element itself and how it relates to the previous elements.
#if next element is same as the element before, then computer returns the 
#same number to the list as the calculation before.
#If the next element is not the same as the element before, then computer 
#returns the sum of the last two calculations entered into the list.
#If the next element is not the same as the element before, but is coming 
#off of two same elements, then computer returns the sum of the last three 
#calculations in the list into the list.
#If element is a new element, then computer returns a 1 to the list.

if index > 2:
    print ("These are the next terms.")

    r = int (u[-1])
    s = int (u[-2])
    t = int (u[-3])
    w = [r,s]
    q = [r,s,t]

    print ("This element is: ", element)
    if element in L[:-1]: #if seen before
        print ("this element has been seen before")
        if element == L[-2]: #same as previous element
            print("this element is the same as the previous element")
        else: #not same as previous
            if L[-2] != L[-3]:
                print("this element is NOT the same as the previous element")
                if element != L[-2]:# not same, happened before, off of 2 identicals
                    if element in L[:-1]:
                        if L[-2]==L[-3]:
                            print("this element is not the same, coming off two identicals")
                            print (sum(q))
                            print (u)             
        if element != L[:]: #not the same as previous, but NEW
            print("this element is NEW!")
            u.append(sum(q) + 1)
            print (u)

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